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About the Author: KPRC 2 Click2Houston


  1. These kids are out of control. Lack of proper parenting. Kudos to that female that smacked that stupid kid

  2. no surprise here, typical suspect. He's glad it wasn't me he hit like that, because there would be major dental work in his near future……………………….yeah, I said that

  3. I'm not a doctor but from military experience the way the coach was lying in a very stiff position he probably has brain trauma. Prayers for him. As for the student, let him spend many decades in prison, where hopefully he will turn his life around with the help of a prison minister.

  4. It's parents fault they don't disaplin their kids and that's why they act like trash. I graduated for Klein High School in 2015 and if anyone got into a fight at my school they immediately got arrested

  5. Once again it's black males. This is the future of black Americans? I think we're looking at the self Imposed extinction of black America. No white genocide needed.

  6. Thats attempted murder
    The "teen" knew that impact could result in the older gentlemen breaking his neck or fatally hitting his head

  7. Not a white student? Shocking.
    These you-know-whats are out of control.
    Put the parents (ok the mama) AND the student in jail for a LONG time, sterilize em, and repeat for every similar crime.

  8. That's an animal behavior.
    Unfortunately, many parents act like that too, therefore, wild things come out. What a sad view.
    I am sure no punishment will be provided. A visit to court thats all.
    I am sorry for the couch.

  9. lol, parents of THOSE kids have never been and will likely never start being parents. Kids won't get disciplined because they are already "overrepresented" in discipline. Go complain to your district DEI director and your soft counseling department. These kids just needed more hugs.

  10. why are they acting as tho the coach was hurt on purpose?
    …it was an accident
    …oh there black 😲
    …silly me …keep forgetting the country I live in …whups

  11. Doesn't surprise me ,now does it . She/ him should go to prison . If you cant protect the students or the staff from these animals then the animals should be kept out of any schools . The parents must be so proud . God please let him be ok.

  12. See, this is why everybody should carry a gun. I mean, if everybody was carrying a gun then things would have never escalated to this point. It's Texas…why was everybody unarmed, anyway? Aren't you issued a gun at birth?

  13. He knew what he was doing. He ran full force into him pushing him backwards. If he is still in the Hospital it most likely means he has swelling of the brain. Prayers 🙏.

  14. This all started with "kids rights." I grew up where if you screwed up, your neighbor could scold you, then when your mother came home ,or was informed, she would spank you, Then when dad came home, even harder. You never made that mistake again. Trying to be your kid's best friend is no way to teach then anything. They need to know that you're the Alpha in the family.

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