The first full episode of Vet On The Hill Down Under is finally here!
Expect many heartbreaking moments but uplifting ones as well, as we follow Scott in his journey to help the animals from Australia that suffered from horrific floods. #vetonthehill
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Their phone survived to film it all ? 🤣
Grazie ❤
So sad to see the devastation. I wonder if their away to make a inflatable to go on the animals to keep them above water while their being rescued.
BILDERBERK-They vex the weather, they make a mess of animals and people, because of their green plan, and they listen to one sick little girl.
This is the kind of video that helps restore my faith in humanity. These people are just so sweet to come together and help each other after such a traumatic disaster.
God bless you for helping, Scott! God grant the best recovery possible for the survivors.
It's very important that we make sure that all of our animal family members can be identified, and ultimately returned, if this sort of thing happens to them. Please guys, Micro chip, tattoo, tag, and do whatever you can to make sure that your very loved animal friend can find it's way back to you if lost. Remember, they cannot speak human, and so they cannot tell strangers where they come from, so we have to help them ourselves 🐈🐕🐎🐮🐷🐑🐐🦙🐇🐔🦆🐢etc etc ❤❤❤
So sad
Unfortunately, it's very common for places to flood right after fires because there's no vegetation to absorb the water.
Yes I'd say thank you I saw the tears in your eyes when you're watching on the TV thank you for saving across the bed when they're on fire in the witness of Australia and I just want to say well done well done 4 at the end maybe you could we just come and just say hold on to you for saving as many lives as you posed to be good in the time that you were there the floats I just want to say that I'm and I am so sorry for all the people who have lost their life in Australia and surrounding Islands no matter where you are in the world people a full different types different people from war of the world are thinking of you and sending prayers for you I'm sending a 2 God bless you 🙏🙏🙏💜❤️
I disagree with Norma. You could have went on the internet to learn how to lift your dog to the roof and stayed with them, until you're both rescued. If you got out your smaller animals can go with you. Glad Sadie the dog made it.
We can always do more to prevent this and intervene. We have to stay connected, ready, willing, and able.
The way people are willing to help complete strangers in situations like this is what makes me proud to be an aussie, whether it be to helping to clear out everything, help with warm cooked meals, giving a roof and a bed to those who lost everything right down to helping with our beloved pets and wildlife
We need to make changes to protect ourselves and our animals in the future. Every farm/ranch needs high land areas in case of flooding for your livestock. Housing needs to be placed much higher on the property. Yes, it is an expense but if it floods once, it will flood again.
I live in Houston Texas and we had a flood that was so scary 😧 where we had sea 🌊 life swimming in buildings and streets years ago. We have had some flooding, hurricanes and tornadoes through the years that have been devastating too. Houston is 50 miles away from the coast of Texas.
We know you were joking Dr. Scott, when you said
that you won, bc you came as far as England to help
your fellow man.
But everyone should know 😊 that the real winner
is God, bc though His and our enemies did this
terrible deed to hurt His children,
Our Father God said, ‘No!!’ and brought many
people to help and give hope.
That is the one thing we can do in today’s
situations and circumstances that to give
His pure hope Belief/Faith/Trust in Them.
To Forgive, it may take time but forgiveness
does show up in one’s heart mind soul,
as long as one surrender such negative
feelings/thoughts at the foot of our
High Priest Jesus Christ.
Prayers are non ceasing for all those
whom are struggling and had/had not
had any losses. Every human being
was affected by this flood and other
situations circumstances that
Plague our world.
Merry Christ-mas to All
And have a safe awesome
amazing New 2023 Year
I lost 4 cockatiels when our back yard flooded and water got into the cage drenching their feathers
These stories are so sad. All the pets and animals that either died or are sick from the dirty water. 🤧
It's our governments around the world that are causing all these disasters none of this is natural.
So horrible….every one suffering. All these heroes saving animals..yes devastating scenes..God Bless these AUSSIES who are so resilient
Australia is unique and for you it's home. I'm so glad that you were able to follow your heart and go help them as much as you did. Other's of us had no idea how bad the situation was there…… You're right, we are responsible for the animals under our care and even in the wild as best we can, also for our fellow humans too. Give love recieve love. It does a heart good to do good to others of all species, esp. our own.
Heartbreaking…. True hero's the people who cared so much for these animals. Earth Angels. 💜
That poor dog has bad teeth
To think this is what my city of Melbourne looks like currently due to flood waters.
The rain just continues to fall down and the levels are growing higher.
So far, they look like they set to for a while.
Us Australians have always been generous even when we have little to give sometimes. Whenever so things like this occurs, we pull together as community to help each other. Stay safe
I sat crying my heart out for those poor cattle trying to tread water, but going round in circles…..did anyone manage to rescue them? Guide them by boat or dingie? They can only tread water for so long before sinking and then the others panick and tread on them to raise higher….just awful ! Please someone say they WERE rescued?? 😢😢😢😢
We ought to remember that animal farming is partly to blame for these climate events. Those animals were there to get hurt or die because we created them for our own interests. Farmers care about their animals in so far as they send them to slaughter to make money.
Ma il piccolo cagnolino bianco le veterinarie se l'hanno portato via e dopo non fanno vedere come sta se hanno potuto curarlo e se C'È l'ha fatta è la prima volta che finisce senza far vedere cosa gli è successo
We are going through this again. Seriously, NSW is in massive trouble
Wow! This woman is amazing!
I couldnt imagine watching an animal going towards its death and not being able to do anything about it. It would just absolutely break me
Seeing those helpless cows just destroyed me
Natalie is a very brave compassionate lady, bless you sweet lady and your horses! 💕🙏💕💙💜🙏🙏🙏🙏
Buddy's teeth look like he has never been to a veterinarian in his life.