She was neglected for a long time without food so she only skins and bones and unable to stand!
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Look at those eyes. She did not deserve this. Her owners said that they had her for a year. She was unable to stand or walk on her own. The owners surrendered her to us today, unable to keep her or provide for her care. Someone knows what happened to her, and someone did this to her intentionally. Someone walked by her every day and intentionally chose to starve her. This is not a stray who’s been on her own for too long, even stray dogs have the ability to find food! This was done to her for reasons we can NEVER comprehend. Her name is Brighe!
Special thanks to: Pawsitive Tails Dog Rescue
Web: www.pawsitivetailskc.org/
Email: info@pawsitivetailskc.org
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: jamesruddypp@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#animalrescue, #rescuedog
Would they do that to their children
If you can't afford any animal than don't bring to your home
Спасибо вам за любовь к животным
Diese Menschen sind in meinen Augen teuflisch
Samo bih plakati I plakati, Treba oduzeti tog spica, I kazniti vlasnike I staviti u zatvor ili Jos bolje treba njih izgladnjivati !!!!!!! Treba ih cijeli zivot stavitiu zatvor, Dragi ljudi, Svi u svijetu moramo se boriti I pobrinuti za prava zivotinja,!!!OVaj planet nije samo nas nego i od Zivotinja!!!! Zivotinje ne mogu govoriti Ali isto osjecaju bol, Molim Vas udruzimo se I pomozimo I’m!!
Gracias por rescatar a ese ser indefenso que crueldad dejar abandonado a esa cosita tan bonita ❤
😭que judiação !!
Io se dovrei vedermi davanti queste persone che fanno male agli animali in questa maniera meglio che non dico cosa gli farei 😮😮😮❤
Coitada se vê que tem vontade de viver
Señor, bendice a sus padres adoptivos.
Dios bendiga a todas esas buenas personas que ayudan a los animalitos como estos que caen en manos de infrahumanos que son monstruos, los animales no merecen ese trato porque son seres inocentes que nos aman y nos admiran.
Add Fish Oil & Tumeric to her food as supplements for Anti Inflammation & Omega intake as well as maintain her Coat and Skin in a healthy way💪💪 Thank you
Please feed her a lot of Raw Carrots 🥕🥕
Apples 🍏 🍎
Thank you for giving her LOVE & HEALING … 🧡
she got beautiful eyes! I would like to hug her.
Brighe sei proprio una cagnolina dolcissima e indifesa vedrai che troverai presto l'amore di una famiglia che ti vorrà adottare e accudire con l'amore che ti meriti! Grazie x tutto l'amore che gli avete dato cure e tanto rispetto e amore! Ciao piccola SEI PROPRIO UN CANE DÀ AMARE E Proteggere sempre! Grazie siete delle persone fantastiche ciao! !!!😠😬😢🙊👏👏👏💪💪💋❤🐕🏠💋💪💪💪🙌✋🆗
Love to see her so happs. Thank you.🙏❤️
Oh dear lord im so shocked at the sight of her ,what is the matter with some people ,she s beautiful ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊
Ich muss weinen wenn ich sowas sehe, ich hoffe das der kleine süße Hund 🐕 wieder richtig gesund und fit wird 😢❤