Unbelievable 😱 Volkodav Dog Attack The Man #shorts #dog #animals

Unbelievable 😱 Volkodav Dog Attack The Man  #shorts #dog #animals
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Man managed a Volkodav dog attack .

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Wolf Attacks Livestock Guardian dog



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About the Author: HB Kennel


  1. What ate you doing to the dog. Maybe he is just defending himself. He does not want to go with you. Please don’t hurt the dog. God bless u all🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. What is dangerouse is that the dogs tail was wagging (not showing aggression) yet it attacked. Dog sensed danger and tries to protect itself from the man but its not an aggressive dog, its attack is basic and not that of a vicious dog.

  3. To me it's looking like they are stealing a friendly dog actually.. If this dog was really aggressive they wouldn't have restraint him that easy.

  4. Betting on Being able to capture guardian dogs in their territory is sth I do for fun and am cocky when bragging about it , but this guy is the master

  5. Ну что за трудности 😂😂😂
    Наколотить картечью, выстрелов пятьдесят и норм 😂😂😂

  6. Facile à plusieurs contre un seul animale…il en serait autrement si les mêmes devaient se confronter au double d'hommes …juste pour respecter un tantinet les proportions d'attaque…..morale de l'histoire …ce sont juste des lâches et mériteraient un châtiment…sans appel..

  7. Против спецназа лично я проиграю но против любого волкодава пойду .

  8. Из какого фильма музыка? Никак вспомнить не могу. Ассоциации с кораблями в море и огромными размерами.

  9. when i tell people that i know dude from Travnik kills big sarplaninac with his hands like it is a baby people lauph at me. and the sick part he stiks hands in their mouth and opens them like a can. the owner of the land said to him if you go true here he will let go the dogs. he did. poor dogs

  10. This whole thing could not have gone more smoother than it actually went down…coz they both knew that they both knew how this whole thing going down
    Edit: except when guy wanted to give him his right arm but dogs like no MF how about the left one lol

  11. ამხელა ნაგაზი დააკავა კაცმა დაა ერთერთ ვიდეოში კატას ვერ იჭერდა ტიპი 😄

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