This Mayday Air Disasters compilation shows the story of a mid air collision between Bashkirian Airlines Flight 2937 and DHL Flight 611, as well as the events of American Airlines Flight 965 and Avianca Flight 52
Experts analyse various plane crashes with an aim to figure out how these disasters occurred. They also shed light on how such accidents shaped the aviation industry and improved safety standards. Along with interviews with aviation experts and eyewitnesses, Mayday reconstructs real-life air disasters to find out the events leading up to it.
MAYDAY Season 2 Episodes 4, 5 & 6
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#planecrash #mayday #compilation
I blame the guy taking a shit for an hour or whatever. How nice of him to come back just after his planes crashed.
Peter was not to blame. Unfortunately I know that deep down he will always blame himself, no matter what anyone says. But the fact is, this was not peters fault. He was extremely let down by a large number of other people who were supposed to be working in conjunction with him to keep everyone safe. Not one single person is to blame for this. This was an absolute tragedy that was not caused by one single person. All of the passengers, the pilots, their families, those in air traffic control, will always be in my prayers 💔 x
It was terrible tragedy 🎭 and I hope 🤞 never seen or happen again very very sad 😢
So Sorry I hope the families find peace, especially the families who lost their children. I hope they find comfort in the children
found on land where schoolhouse handicapped children and now the fallen children are angels and they will protect the handicapped children. RIP God Bless the families and find Peace.
Im heart will always be with Peter. It was him against the world. No one will ever change my mind on that. It was an accident. Many thing were at play.
With that said, i used to want to be a journalist but with this incident and others ive seen, the media is really just there to create mob mentality and fear monger. They arent helpful at all.
Omg….rip to all….this is sad so so sad to watch….my heart goes out to kids❤❤❤
Classes are no longer allowed to travel by airplane.
I still to this day think this plane crash was set up. The brightest and best of Russia dead cause pilot error? Nope.
Such a big mistake that could have been prevented had every one done the right thing so easy to say now my heart goes out to the people who lost a member of the family
What was Peter doing going between 2 screens. Someone should never be swapping between screens, I sure hope thatdoesnt happen still/
No it was the aircraft-controller but with that being said it is very clear to see he was being over worked at his station and expected and responsible for to many critical airplane flight crossing that air space. In fact, it clearly shows he was attending another airplane flight and could not reach the other aircraft controller office by phone because the phone system was down at the time. So it was the people in the office who hired him for the job fault for not having the necessary man power or should hired another employee rather being under staffed that night causing him to fail at his job because the over load or large amount of planes crossing over air spaces and routes it was a ticking time bomb to if two planes are going to cross paths in Midair but the fact is when are the two planes are going to coliid and crash and kill every living bodies on board.
As usual YouTube ruin anything that deserves a bit of respect considering how many lives were lost…These money hungry tosses advertising constantly to ruin a show.,,SHAME YOU F**** CREEPS OF THIS WORLD MAKING MONEY ON THE BACK OF PEOPLES DEATH…AND THE UN PROTESTING PUBLIC SAYS NOTHING,,.
If the phones would have worked this what happened
Feeling very sorry for Russian families who lost children who perished in collision
If 2 planes collide in empty skies … duh. Stupid sentence !
I find it very interesting how killing as revenge is a thing among us humans. Which benefits does it got? I mean, does it feel better? Does it give your wife and kids back?
Is it better to spend life in prison mourning alone than in your own house with all the happy memories before the accident?
Not being able to grief with other family and/or friends? Not being able to even visit their gravestone. And this guy Peter, wasn't even guilty!! The investigation wasn't even finished yet!!
He had the odds against him and his mistake was one of many problems that night.
With this logic Peters family should kill this father for being a suspect as revenge.
But what do i know? I've never been in a situation like this so who am I to judge?
But my logic brain would rather prefer that a person I really hate and blame for killing my family stays alive. As punishment he has to live with what he's done.
And I would make sure to remind him on a regular basis. Just rub it in how much damage he has done to other human beings. If I take his life it's like I'm setting him free.
If he's to weak he can take his own life. I would't care less.
But this is only if the person was found guilty.
Peter wasn't. I can't imagine how he felt that night and afterwords. His punishment was the knowledge of being a part of a tragic accident.
His murderer set him free from guilt.
May Peter and all the other victims rest in peace!
Russian pilots 🙄🙄🙄
there is not enough money in the world that would get my ass into a flying garbage can.
Been watching this before still cant help myself to cry its very sad.
Amazing he found his daughter and her pearls. How sad to have gone through that. Just a sad story for all involved.
Airplanes are ECOSINNERS 😡
With all things considered, why was Peter so casual with his instructions after he saw two planes on a collision course.