Poor Puppy Fights Dermatitis and Hunger – Animal Rescue Video 2021
Hello guys Welcome to my channel, this channel is making for everyone to enjoy with HUNGRY PETS videos For Rescue Animal Anywhere . Please kindly don’t feel angry if some videos have the mistakes .!!!
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Thank you everyone.
Obrigado ao Criador Universal😇😘😁
Thank you brother for halping this little poppy s
Can you please save him from the fleas
I love him so much 😍💓
He is so sweet and cute
Poor thing they are trying to help you out
You are a noble person….so good 👍👍 thanks for helping 🌹🌹🌹
Feed the dog goo the big dog can’t take the food from the cup and is not enough food for all this dog
Hyngry heart,it monetära. And foofdto anothers. Not Nice. Are you hungrig .
Jazakallah ameen
Very nice.
Pobrecitos q no son de uds? Se ven q tienen mucha hambre, y xq todos tienen gusanos, x fabor cuidenlos vien!
Povero piccolo x fortuna ci sono persone buone lo curano
itny sary dogs k liye itna km khana kyun plz feed them well
Какие Вы молодцы. Спасибо Вам.
Que Deus abençoe toda a equipe pelo carinho com os animais!!!
😭😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤❤❤DEUS ABENÇOE VCS TODOS AMÉM AMÉM AMÉM AMÉM AMÉM AMÉM AMÉM, por favor, pir favor 😭😭😭😭obrigado,cuida ,cuida cuida por favor por favor AMÉM AMÉM AMÉM AMÉM AMÉM AMÉM AMÉM
Eu queria tá aí pra ajudar,
Que pessoas maravilhosas 💞
Good job 👍👍 God bless you and your family 🙏🙏
Do you give it more food? that so few food and still so hungry
Thanks a million times for you! Please do continue your generous work! May God bless you richly!!!
Qui te importa qui tengo o no pete la porra
Obrigada por esse trabalho tão lindo que Deus abençoe sempre vcs 😍
As an animal lover , what do you think we must do to stop Yulin Festival? 😢😭
Dios q pecao puros bbs lo siento
Q pecao son puris cachorritos q vinieron a sufrir
Super job bro
Márcia virios que É meintiras
Gracias rescatistas 🙏
Terrible !!🥺
OMG !!! How are they now ??? 😭
Que fome meu Deus
Ouwm 💔😭😭😭😭 tadinhosss
Gratidão amigo por fazer sua parte. DEUS te abençoe grandemente 🙏🙏🙏