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▼ Timestamps ▼
» 0:00 – Freya, Freyja, and Frigg
» 1:27 – First Comes War, Then Comes Marriage
» 6:34 – Any S*xy Stories?
» 12:40 – Freya vs. Frigg & Baldur’s Death
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▼ Credits ▼
» Researched by: Jon Solo & Mary Tuck
» Written, Filmed: Jon Solo
» Edited by: Jon Solo & Mary Tuck
▼ Resources ▼
» my favorites: https://messeduporigins.com/books
» Dr. Jackson Crawford’s Frigg and Freyja: https://youtu.be/5eN3wNgPARM
» Prose Edda, translated by Anthony Faulkes: https://amzn.to/3duNXal
» Poetic Edda, translated by Dr. Jackson Crawford: https://amzn.to/3xOGJab
*those are affiliate links btw – we get a kickback from purchases :)*
▼ Art Sources ▼
» The art on the thumbnail was provided by the great and powerful Sam Flegal! Check out his website with more incredible original Norse art here: https://fatefulsigns.com
» The art depicting Freyja leading the Valkyries was created by James Bousema! He has some fantastic mythology art that you should definitely check out:
» If I used your art in any portion of this video please send a message to my business email with proof that you’re the original artist so I can give you credit!
#godofwarragnarok #norsemythology #kratos
🚨 Sorry for the repost, mortals! I had to re-upload this episode as YouTube couldn't handle me saying "the s-word" 18 minutes into the video and age-restricted it… 🤯 But never fear! That DISGUSTING, FILTHY word has now been CENSORED to protect your sweet, innocent ears so now you can enjoy this episode as our overlords intended! –– BTW, I'm still hard at work on the script for the next mythology deep-dive on a certain Greek Goddess… so keep an eye out for that next Thursday! 👀❄
Can you do the story of Undine
18:46 I object to "Jehovah's Witnesses" being called Christians! I see them as more of a cult masquerading as Christians and question how they even started!
Can we have the steadfast Tin soldier
Im gonna comment saying "please deeply research Buddha" on every video I can lol🙏🙏🙏😭
Cool! Is mercy from OW based off freya or another myth similar
Back to the same ol’ shit, huh? This, Disney, God of War and primarily white folklore.
Can’t read the Mahabharata or African folklore??? 😑🤦♂️
Make love not war, heck do both, get married.
Hey Jon. Got a cool shorts list for you to start. I realize that not all of your content is history based, but what about "One this day in History". That would give you 356 days to talk about.
I posit that Freya was married to Odin's brother Villi because Vili gave them consciousness and movement, with can also be translated from Odr
i know you have not done the phantom of the opera i do love phantom of the opera
Can You Do "Jurassic Park" PLEAAAAAAAAASE!
That’s hilarious about the s word drama 😂 this is a good post nonetheless! Glad it’s back up!
Video time 18:44 "no offense to modern christians", I can respect that, and thank you, but also try and remember things were very VERY different back then, people were ignorant on so many levels, as us /them are today as I look around at the webs people find themselves caught in an around themselves (a web made by themselves or others) and how we really do have an impact on some things that go on in our lives and society, be aware and awake, not just woke cuz that's becoming a sleepwalking thing in and of itself as any religious/repetitive thing does, God/Jesus/Holy Spirit trinity mystery wants relationship not religious rituals and repetitive prayers, and to remember WHY you are here and doing what you're doing
You should do a series about the messed up origins of cartoons and how some of them are pretty dark when you’re done with mythology. Like scooby doo and ed edd and eddy etc
Loki does name Frigg's father in Lokasenna:
Shut up, Frigg! You are Fjörgynn’s daughter and have ever been most eager for men…
— Snorri Sturluson, Lokasenna
Please, it’s Frøya or Freyja.
I honestly admire the fact that you invest so much time researching the origins of Mythology, Legend and Fairy Tales. Truly fascinating stuff. Perhaps you would be so kind as to research the origins of the most obscene hand gesture ever created: The commonly named "Agincourt Salute". Maybe then you will stop using it throughout these episodes. Yup, you are being deeply offensive in your episodes. I can not tell if you are doing this on purpose, or if you are simply unaware. As a gesture of respect to the great North American Nation called the USA, I am flipping you the bird while I watch your show.
Just commenting for the algorithm 🖤🤎
I can't fault her for knowing what she wants…
At least she didn't rape anyone…
"circle button minigame" and "bible thumping dorks" 🤣
I am personally tired of all the myths including the God of War game.
Cool. I was wondering if you have done an origins on dwarves, and if not could you
Just in time for Valentine's Day 😂
Well if it isn't queen mistletoe herself…hilarious by the way
I saw what you did there . . . A Magnus Chase reference. . Nice
Was just trying to figure out if freya and fright were the same goddess last night. Good thing my iPhone has AI tech 😬
Loki ate freyas fathers ass up lmao no crumbs
"She mever thought mistletoe could do something so evil"
Well to be fair they did forget to ask for mistletoes blessing as it "was a young immature plant, so they ignored it"… its their own fault and not mistletoes… xD
The Christians are evil always knew is anything tied to that religion that is actually bad because of the fact they keep saying yes we're helping people and then you realize real fast that they're not actually helping they're usually just giving handouts like you're some money go buy more meth or whatever you're addicted to
The reason why I don't count the new God of war as a god of war game is for the fact there are no minigames there his weird feeling with the axe you know what I mean when you compare it to the blades in the first six games then for some reason in the newest one they decided how about we don't have it attached to the person let's have them press a button for it to come back yeah more stuff for me to press thank you that means my controller is going to break that much faster because now you got a masher nothing button just to do whatever you're doing there's less death traps because the first one dear God there was just so many climbing those pillars at the very end of the game with the blades very dangerous few hits new fall all the way down to the bottom dead or in the second game where you just had just a great time then you had the PSP games where they just had unbelievable amount of orbs but you had nothing really to spend it on then you had God of war 3 which I just was weird issues with weird puzzles showing it's time to take out the rest of the family then you got this weird part Ascension which the only way that game can actually exist is because of number to where you go back in time and mess everything up remember you go back in time and you save the Giants to go back to number three and then kill everybody I mean show them what Paradise looks like no wait you destroyed that and I believe one of the PSP games woohoo so much destruction now the new games it's just collect the item not woohoo I think I had more trouble playing the older games than this collection God of war PS4 and God of war PS5 part 2 that collection is not fun it is boring because of literally everything I've described the mini-games aren't there all the stuff that showed how fun the old ones were it's just not here that collection is not fun it is boring because of literally everything I've described the mini-games aren't there's all the stuff that showed how fun the old ones were it's just not here it's like we went back to the 360 era and got stuck with the goddamn collecting crap next that I can be telling me to collect feathers