This Snake Was Doomed! Rare Animal Fights Caught on Camera
30 Times Animals Messed With The Wrong Opponent !
Snake Immediately Regretted Having Eaten the Porcupine
Python Immediately Regrets It’s Desperately Tried Attacking Porcupine
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#PANDORA #Wildlife #Animals
Can NOT watch this video because of The Gay man VOICE!!!!!
Experienced wolf: Wolverine? Never heard of them. I've certainly never seen one. In fact, I'm blind. I'm sure nothing at all is going on, and that there's nothing to see around here. Or hear, or smell. I'll just stay glued to this spot for a while, simply because I don't feel like moving. It's not at all because there might be a wolverine around. It couldn't be, because I don't know what that is. Is it some sort of plant? Anyway, on the remote chance that something might happen… please tell my bitch and pups that my last thoughts were of them!
Studies show that squirrels are immune to snake venom. Evolution has equipped them with a special antibody that binds to the venom and renders it useless against the squirrel. Right now studies are being done to try and figure out this antibody as it could prove very useful in future anti venom, and etc.
The antelope/gazelle that escapes the lion so nimbly at 07:27 is NOT an impala, it is a Springbuck, the national antelope of South Africa. If you do an image search for 'springbok', you will be able to notice the differences between the two, although they are similar in size and coloring.
He said the porcupine was poisonous then he said they weren't
Motherly love is the highest ❤❤
Those aren't bulls,they're heifers
Why didn't the anaconda take the sloth? 8:29 8:32
The sloth 🦥 was amazing 👏
Soy boy voice, talk like a man, Really
The sloth watched the anaconda devour his meal and knew by instincts that the snake was in a trance or digesting his food. High in those tree tops the sloth see the doing of his jungle world and knows his jungle world .!!
That anaconda was still digesting his last meal.!!.luckily for the sloth.!!!
Excellent recording, clean
The wolverine: They Honey Badger of North America….
great presentation
The first snake you showed with the sloth wasn't an anaconda.
Venomous snakes, not poisonous.
Did you even spot the curved sharp nails on the sloth's digits? The snake might have known that those nails might be left stuck in it's throat, dwl!
Ferocious animals have angry management.
The goose was fending off young heifers not angry bulls .So whose the goose here fool
Bombs come in small packages.✌️💙🏇🏇🏇
Porcupines DO NOT shoot their spines for God's sake, as you foolishly illustrated in that erroneous animation!!! Haven't you learn this by now??
Badger are cute i saw on tv the snake bite the badger and she was dead 3 hours later i saw her tail move and she was alive so she backed to her dinner ( snake) and I joined her dinner
Wolverines are like honey badger on steroids. We have these where I live and just stay away from them.
there is no evolution
All bull shit
Stay FAR FAR away from the Wolverine
Venom!!! not Poison. VENOM!
Hindi daw kase masarap ang Sleuth sabi ng Anaconda hahaha! I'll translate that later LOL!
Badger is insane🤣🤣🤣But that duck is clever,making monkeys of 4 leopards
Great show ruined by bad choice of background noise
Evolution will modify the porcupine to shoot needles like projectiles? Well,. that's not as bad as fish turning into people.
Is that snake blind? I mean., the quills on a Porcupine are very obvious.
God, the little 🐿️🐿️are so brave, they even fight with the snakes 😅
If most snakes or anaconda not attack ,maby its sick or it have eat,normale still if the snake dont like it it will attack and kill
grown squirrels are immune to the venom. They kill snakes to protect their babies who are not immune yet.
Wasn't hungry and wasn't a threat
The Anaconda didn't eat the Sloth as it wasn't hungry. "Sloths are not on an anacondas list of favorite foods, but they will eat one if they're hungry enough. However, these snakes eat such large meals, they don't get hungry until they've digested their last meal, which can take days. "
Sounds gay…