There is nothing more despicable and angering than animal abuse. What Vegan News has discovered is both shocking and heartbreaking.
People are staging dangerous, deadly and abusive situations in fake animal rescue videos on youtube all in an effort to earn thousands of dollars for the views.
Full Article And Petition Here:
Report these channels through YouTube:
“Happy Dog” AKA “Puppy Love” – https://www.youtube.com/user/HomeBran…
“The rescue journey TV” AKA “Pets Kittens” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMtT…
“Yorquy” AKA “Love Pets” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6xE…
“Pabloxito17” AKA “my kittens” – https://www.youtube.com/user/pabloxito17
“Love Rescue Animals” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkZM…
“The Rescue Journey” AKA “希望爪子” – https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRescueJo…
“Animal Lighthouse” AKA “надеж за кучиња” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF4M…
“Little Furry Friends” AKA “ڪتن لاءِ اميد” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Vx…
“Animal Safeguard” AKA “សង្ឃឹមសម្រាប់សត្វឆ្កែ” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXQL…
“Rescue Dog,Cats” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbXd…
“Animal Rescue SK” – https://www.youtube.com/user/aaedlocu…
“Pets Rescue” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRet…
“Rescue Kitty” (first mentioned) – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGAe…
“Rescue Kitty” (second mentioned) – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuN2…
“Rescue Kittens” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv1D…
“KH Survival life” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM5N…
“Wilderness Like 2020” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI7a…
“Wilderness Life” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKeH…
“Love Animals US” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJA-…
“Pets Rescue Club” – https://www.youtube.com/user/Aleja021…
“Rescue In Public” – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC7D…
“Monkey Munki” – https://www.youtube.com/user/TheStric…
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Please everyone, take the time to report any staged rescues that you find, or they will make more! You can help so easily – they may only need one strike to be shut down if the video is seen as serious enough!
We need to put a stop to this as fast as possible
Whoever put the poor cat out in the sand is a psychopath
unfortunately, it feels like there are even more those disgusting channels and youtube dont care, bc they make money with too 😤
This video is 2 years old, unfortunately it is even worse now, YouTube have a big problem here, but YouTube also make millions of dollars on these fake videos, disgusting
This needs to be out in the news we need to protest on TV so youtube can ban these beast abusing animals, making fake videos and killing the poor animals
For God's sake, lose the visual effects and distortion. It just makes your video unwatchable.
It’s disgusting how people trap animals to save it just to get views
Most third world countries do not share America's attitudes towards animals. They'll literally eat dogs in the Philippines, China, South America, Africa and elsewhere, sometimes they'll torture them for fun even. It's really not surprising that these people would stoop so low to these methods because they're cutthroat when it comes to making a quick buck because they're all in starving poverty. I saw a video where a dog was lit on fire and everyone was laughing as people walked by & hardly noticed it as if it wasn't a big deal. I'm telling you they don't share American values towards animals.
False Animal Rescues are Vegan People's arch-nemesis
You want makes me sick more than anything? These fake disgraceful videos get so much view's and the videos that show the truth get nothing! And why isn't YouTube doing anything?
I could barely finish my 1/2 lb steak watching this
I wish I could return the favor to these monsters
Thanks for bringing this to ppl's attention. Unfortunately it still seems to be happening and it's so heartbreaking
How to be an evil youtuber
Step 1: name yourself something like "Cute Animal Rescue"
Step 2: find some kittens and puppies
Step 3: punch them and cut them
Step 4: Make a video about "rescuing kittens and puppies from their abusive owners"
Step 5: You are now popular! You are now an evil genius who likes hurting animals for fame!
Step 6: get into a few arguements in your comment section
Step 7: "Your video has been removed due to animal abuse"
Step 8: the police are at your door
Step 9: all the kittens and puppies get properly rescued and looked after while you rot in jail
Step: 10: you drop the soap and you die from internal injuries
Just for clout this internet crap is just gone way out of hand way out of hand that I am turning my YouTube off in any kind of internet access whatsoever games I'm shutting them all off and it's only going to be a phone and that's it email address closed down Google address closing it down screw that s*** screw this s*** and people give their regards when somebody dies they seen him on social media but they sure don't go to the funeral do they people are just worried about the internet bull it's taken over people's lives people cannot live without their phones it's a computer it's thinking for everybody and they're not even thinking for themselves but Google it and you'll know how to do it even though you haven't even touched it we're even thought about doing it yourself but if you Google it you might even actually say that you know how to do it even though you've never done it yourself done
Please everyone share this. It will just get worse and worse, and eventually just videos of animals dying. THE KITTEN ON THE HIGHWAY…JUST NO. But, some channels are legit. Hope for paws. Pawmeow. And, fake ones not sometimes in videos. Like pet land. EVERYONE SHARE THSI AND TELL ABOUT THESE CR- CHANNELS. This makes me give up on humanity.
why why they doing this this no right i love cat and they doing this for sake i want this demolished for sake cat not doing wrong
Well they are still on utube I reported 3 already today! I gave links and told many viewers they were fake who were all sad and calling these animal abusers heroes. Some of them have a small room set up as a cheap vet place with poster on the walls (but any intelligent person can see it's fake. it's so easy to see the so called vet has no clue what he's doing and they just stick a thermometer up the bum . the guy who rescues carry these little bags with a heath cross on to try and make it look legit but I've watched thousands of legit and well respected rescue organizations so it easy to spot a fake now or makes me very suspicious.. I signed a petition quite a while back about this with lady freethinker.
looks like all the channels have got nuked. wel done!
The problem here is that modern audiences feel more empathy for animals than for other human beings.
I believe animal abusers should be humanely destroyed.Actually,forget the humanely.