The Reunion Has Taken All The Tears of Millions of Hearts of Tiny Puppies – Hot Story 2022

The Reunion Has Taken All The Tears of Millions of Hearts of Tiny Puppies - Hot Story 2022
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The Reunion Has Taken All The Tears of Millions of Hearts of Tiny Puppies – Hot Story 2022.

December 6, 2021:
What a shame for humans‼️ How her life turned out like this during pregnancy. Babies not even a month old… I was dumbfounded. How was she born? Where’s she from? We are coming to pick them up.

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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. I think i watched already this vid if i'm not mistaken. That 6 pups was rescued from the street with their mother would not survive shes dead after rescued her pups. But i salute you the team of rescuer to help the homeless animals, may god bless you more.🙏🙏🙏

  2. Onlara bu iyiliği yaptığınız için size çok teşekkür ederim bu çok üzücü bir durum kimsenin umrunda olmamaları😔😢

  3. The human animal that changed her up like that and the torture that she had trying to stay alive or her babies and human animal should be placed on the ocean somewhere with an anchor in a chain and see how long they can stay alive then maybe they'd understand before they die

  4. Pauvre et courageuse maman Chien…. Tu resteras dans mon cœur et j'espère que tu as trouvé la paix. Que Dieu te bénisse et t'accorde son amour lumineux. Je prie aussi pour tes bébés et leur maman d'adoption qui a été mise sur leur chemin. Quelle magnifique preuve d'amour maternelle. Je remercie toutes les belles personnes qui ont participé au sauvetage. Soyez bénis 🤍🙏🏻🕊️ et je souhaite à tous une vie heureuse, remplie d'amour et de tendresse.

  5. Господи!!! Услыш голоса этих животных сделай души людей добрее!!🙏🙏🙏 💔💔💔 Помоги добрым ЛЮДЯМ в их заботе и сострадание к животным. ❤️❤️❤️😇😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏 Мира им и добра. Господи дай им силы и терпения😇 низкий ВАМ поклон. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Make a law for a pets
    Make agency for a pets

    Make survey and regester all dogs in every household.

    Take a picture of every dogs or pet in every household so that it easy to identify who's owner abandoned thier pets
    That's should be punish by law i know there are existing law

    If ever the owner can't sustain thier pet report it and
    Surender it to agency so that they will not be punish.

  7. Разве можно на это смотреть спокойно !! Мать без еды на какой-то верёвке привязана , голодная, родила деток , молока нет !! Это же не один день она без еды сидела, ждала бедная чтобы хоть кто-нибудь накормил !!!!!! Вы же люди и вас тоже родила мать !!! Как можно спокойно жить , когда такое творится ! Да я бы сама не поела, но отдала бы последний кусок этой мамочке !!! Пишу и плачу !! Какой вообще это город ?? Там что все такие ? Бог всё видит !! Кто это снимал, надо было сразу забрать мамочку с щенками !! И вторая собачка мамочка, ходила мучилась, никто не помогал ей справится с этим ! Ужас !!! Спасибо тем, кто спасал и кто помог !!!

  8. People who mistreats any Angel doesn't deserve to have any pets. What human could walk by these precious angels and not offer to help. I think they have to be aliens no human in their right mind would walk on by and do nothing!. MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS ALL INVOLVED IN SAVING THESE BEAUTIFUL SPECIAL ANGEL'S.!!!. I WISH THE MAMA WOULD HAVE MADE IT!!!.

  9. que tristesa que los animalitos ahora le tengan miedo a un Ser umano antes un animalito miraba un niño o auna persona y los miraba con alegría ahora nos miran con orror por tanto Dano que an echo pero un quedamos umanos con un corazón lleno de respeto y amor asia los animalitos y por eso Dios nos Bendise el Señor les Bendiga los cuide y los guarde y Bendiga su trabajo su familia y camine con cada uno de nosotros felicidades..

  10. Dziękuję za uratowanie psów.Oprawców powinno się przykladnie ukarać.Nie wolno tak traktować zle naszych małych braci.

  11. how do we continue acting out against life, Thank you lifesavers, I couldn't finish watching knowing the suffering.

  12. Hope and all the puppies are absolutely beautiful, it’s sad 😢 that the puppies that Hope took in lost their mother that brought tears to my eyes. And the man that left Hope on the street and took her babies from her, is absolutely cruel and evil. I hope that he got a lot of time in prison for what he did. And it’s a good thing that he surrendered Hope’s babies because they are better off away from him. Thank you so much for saving Hope and the puppies.

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