Petting this underwater doggo = $10,000 fine! (shangerdanger shorts compilation)

Petting this underwater doggo = $10,000 fine! (shangerdanger shorts compilation)
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  1. فیلم به این قشنگی وزیبائی روآخه چراباشکاراون ماهی زیبا وکشتنش خراب کردی رفیق چرا؟اصلا کارخوبی نکردی،من که تونستم باقیشونگاه کنم
    امیدوارم دیگه فیلمهاتواینجوری خراب نکنی،البته مخالف شکار نیستم نه ولی به نمایش گذاشتن جون دادن اون ماهی وکشتنش زیبانبودوناراحت کننده!
    ممنونم ازت!

  2. Name is "Rubin Wladimir" absolutely everything he is posted or shared is your vids brother and as an old school photographer/videographer meaning i developed film in my bathroom, unless he is doing this for you for a reason it's copyright infringement and I find it horrible!! Let me know bro and I will or you should take him down!

  3. Dude I was about to join a fb page who does nothing but share ur vids so wanna know if he has the right to do so and if so I'll join but doesn't seem legit yet gets a ton of like etc of your content..

  4. It makes sense the biggest shark would hang out there – there's always food swimming by the outlet, and the turbulence probably makes it easy to catch.

  5. Gonna sum this up Real quick:

  6. Thank you very much Shane…. You're a gentleman…. Now I see the airplane wreck in depth…. That's a 4 bladed prop… That's a radial engine. That's a low-wing aircraft…. We need to professional to tell us what kind of airplane that is…. That cowling design.. is unique…. It looks like metal Monocoque type of construction… Which means almost entirely sheet metal. I soloed a Cessna 150… In 1969… Then I quit flying…. I don't like wind shear and clear-air turbulence…. Takes all the fun out of flying. It's violent and makes one feel helpless and scared.

  7. That outlet seems really shallow. I expect its well marked on marine charts with a gps position of the end on the charts

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