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Here Top 8 of the most terrible disaster videos caught on camera in the 21st century:
8. The eruption of Mount Merapi in Indonesia in 2010: This eruption was captured on film by a number of people, including tourists who were visiting the volcano at the time. The footage shows the eruption in all its destructive glory, as ash and lava spew from the volcano and a massive cloud of smoke rises into the sky.
7. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011: This earthquake and tsunami were also captured on film by a number of people, including tourists who were visiting Japan at the time. The footage shows the tsunami as it crashes into the shore, destroying everything in its path.
6. The tornado in Moore, Oklahoma in 2013: This tornado was one of the deadliest in recent history, and it was also captured on film. The footage shows the tornado as it rips through Moore, destroying everything in its path.
5. The Nepal earthquake in 2015: This earthquake was one of the deadliest in recent history, and it was also captured on film. The footage shows the earthquake as it strikes, causing buildings to collapse and people to be buried alive.
4. The hurricanes in the Caribbean and the United States in 2017: These hurricanes were some of the most powerful in recent history, and they caused widespread devastation in the Caribbean and the United States. The footage shows the hurricanes as they make landfall, causing flooding and damage to property.
3. The wildfires in California in 2018: These wildfires were some of the most destructive in recent history, and they caused widespread devastation in California. The footage shows the wildfires as they rage out of control, destroying homes and businesses.
2. The Beirut explosion in 2020: This explosion was one of the most powerful non-nuclear explosions in history, and it caused widespread devastation in Beirut. The footage shows the explosion as it rips through the city, destroying buildings and killing people.
1. The COVID-19 pandemic: This pandemic has been captured on film by a number of people, including doctors and nurses who are working on the front lines, as well as people who have been affected by the virus. The footage shows the pandemic in all its devastation, as people are killed and infected, and as the world economy is brought to a standstill. These are just a few examples of the many terrible disaster videos that have been captured on camera in the 21st century. These videos provide a glimpse into the human capacity for both destruction and compassion, and they remind us of the importance of resilience and hope.
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