THINGS YOU Should Never ASSUME Before a Street Fight. Here are the most common thinking that get people hurt in street fights. In Self Defence what you should NEVER Do to protect yourself in a street fight. Here are a fighting tips that will help you in defend yourself against a bad guy who means you harm. LEARN MORE WITH MY ONLUNE TRAINING:
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ELEVATING YOUR FIGHT IQ: Videos blending Martial Arts, Crime Science, and Psychology.
Presented by Dr Mark Phillips Criminal Psychologist, Security Consultant, Martial Arts and Defensive Skills Instructor. An expert in Organised Crime, Hostage Taking, and Offender Profiling. Martial arts experience includes Wing Chun, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Wrestling, Boxing, San Da Kickboxing, and MMA.
Weekly Self Defence and Martial Arts video releases every Wednesday. Topics Covered: Coping with Criminal Behaviour, Self Defence Techniques, Street Fighting Tips, Mindset Preparation, as well as general tips on how to defend yourself.
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What is the legality of starting the fight first?
Let's say someone approaches me and I punch him first.
The guy can always say that he was going to hi five me or something .
I wish you would show the actual fight in these videos
The guy with the gasoline was genius.
Disagree. A fight is not worth your stuff. Fight if it’s a loved one family member or kid you have to protect. If it’s stuff let it go. Always run if you can. Fight only if you must.
Understand that one punch can kill, if someone comes at you and you have no way of getting out of the situation, you need to be able to switch to animal mode an d puch their neck, stick your fingers in their eyes, or you could put your fingers in their nose and pull them around, or worst comes to worst get your teeth into their neck, do not stop until they are not moving.
I'm glad I found u Dr Mark, or YouTube arranged it? Any who.
Superb wise videos and thanks for helping people out. Your bio looks impressive. Cheers pal. New sub and 1st comment
Or carry a loaded gun!
Great tips. Most fights are won by the guy who throws the first punch
Hurting someone is a surefire way to piss someone off. And that preemptive tactics is move that geniuses naturally use. Make them react to you.
"Hit Hard" You want him to die? 20 years in prison?
Step to the side not back. It forces their hand and gives you an angle to strike if appropriate.
"What's more important is your willingness to fight dirty"
Sometimes you may face not just a human, but something metal headed
Bunch of dangerous statements
It's rare that a fight lasts more than a minute so stamina doesn't really apply for a street fight
Someone long time ago told me you are paranoid. I said well brother you are right i am. But my paranoia will end and transform into reality in same moment when someone evil will try to get me in streets…
Always assume in street Your attacker will got some kind of weapon. Knife bat etc. Always assume you can be out numbered by attackers. Believing mma skills or self defence tactics will protect you is foolish and naive. Always carry something yourself. Knife pepper spray a gun. And even this wont save you 100% cases. But it increases Your chances a lot. Thats it. Always scan area always be aware of Your surroundings. When threatened dont wait. Use any weapon you carry to stay alive. Thats it. No more psychology about street fights needed. All you need in one fucking bit bitter pill. But it will help you
Never be instagitor and always suprise atack whit vingers to eyes or 1 fucking hard hook
Terrible video examples. Like fighting a guy with knife. Also moving back is good for distance control and I would say it's necessary part of a fight.
#3 is extremely important…and also why you don’t start fights with random people. I was ten when my uncle who was a navy vet taught me to defend myself if attacked. He also taught me how to actually fight. We were standing behind the family business. There was a dumpster with a gate in front of it. He told me not to worry so much about technique if attacked. He said you go for the most serious looking object you can find. He said there’s always something in the environment to use as a weapon. He pulled a foot long steel bar out that held the dumpster gate shut and swung it like a club. I told him it sounds dirty and kind of like cheating. He explained that it’s called fighting to win, and the only thing dirty is people trying to attack you for no reason. Losing isn’t an option if you’re attacked on the street. There’s no refs to intervene. Honor and technique are irrelevant when people try to hurt you unprovoked. Use whatever you need to in order to put the bastards down or make them stop. He ended with explaining that this is why you don’t go around picking fights with people….even if they look weaker. They can just as easily pull out a weapon or pick up something dangerous. I’ve never started a fight in my life because of that.
Well done, but the firist advaise is most important
If you do all this tips in the UK, from victim you become the aggressor and jail
I feel like there are a lot more ways to deal with these situation instead of hurt your attacker as badly as possible. If people are really gonna follow this they mighy accidentally kill their attacker. Of course you should hold back but I value my freedom more than the contents of my wallet
And you are going to go to jail and face fines if you hurt someone really bad, no matter how in the right that you think you are!
Societal rules or conduct (I like that) ..
Do you ever talk about the legal aspects of self-defense? Your advice is good, but self-defense occurs in a legal context and requires concrete knowledge of what you're allowed and not allowed to do. In many places, punching first, even in the presence of a legitimate threat, can be legally problematic.
fight like your life depends on it. this is why I struggle with self defence/ martial art videos. a kung fu v kung fu fight has stances blah blah dont happen when some twat takes a dislike to you in the street. A KRAV MAGRA instructor said if someone wants to stab you you have no choice other than get stabbed its so quick there is no defence
Very handy
5:13 dude took his gun “he did everything properly” once he took away “bad guy” gun, dude reach for his second weapon!
I really wish you would've let a lot of these videos play out…!
I'm a little, I can't even weight, my muscle mass peaks out pretty quick. In other words, don't be surprised if I pick up something especially if it's more than one person!
Here I am harnessing the fighting skills. So, I can win all my imaginary street fights.
2:05 just epic I swear just epic,{loveded} it
I had an old friend of mine black belt in karate guy guy sucker punches him in bar he cowers out the door goes in files assault charges on the guy black belt in karate and a coward wow probably plenty of those out there.
Live in a country where you can not hit first. You will lose your job, get sentence and basically suffer. It is MUCH better if it is in an area with people to measure up your choices, like has he weapons, is he just provoking to get a fight, is there a woman involved etc. etc. What can you use as weapons, do he have friends nearby, do you. There is a ton of things to consider. If you have the advantage of friends nearby, the guy will likely not start the fight. He is outnumbered and will lose. But sure be prepared and perhaps be ready for a right arm swing…as you have shown yourself. It can be used against them to quickly end the fight.
I'd add that kicking on the nuts is the best technique, it stops anyone, it's almost impossible to protect against, and it won't injure a person to unconscious opening other risks.