Twin Paranormal investigate on the most haunted places on earth! Waverly Hills Sanatorium has been said to be haunted for years, with a dark past and a lot of death on the property that’s no surprise. The guys venture inside to find out if these stories of ghosts and demons are true and to see what kind of paranormal activity will happen to them inside, this video is truly terrifying and one that they will never forget…
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Previous episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXNW0XspSRY&t=2s
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About: Twin Paranormal face anything scary from demons to skin walkers and go to the most haunted and terrifying places, bringing you along for the ride. Places like the Washoe Club, the Devils Maze, Skinwalker cave, Asylum 49, Skinwalker valley, the Clown Motel and more!
All evidence of paranormal activity that we capture on camera of demons, skin walkers, ghosts during our ghost hunts and paranormal investigations is real and some of the scariest videos on YouTube. The haunted locations we go to overnight are always creepy and we can’t wait to share them with you.
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Twin Paranormal
We didn't quite explain why we were in a rush and the reason why is because the owners had squeezed us in last minute due to us being in town at the time so we had to rush and hope for the best! If you would like to see the 3 of us make a return we just ask for you to give this video a quick LIKE because that will let us know that you are interested 🖤
We just want to thank you all for being the best family anyone could ever ask for and for the new people getting here, if you like what you see then please make sure you hit the SUBSCRIBE button and give us a chance. 🙏🏻 We have some very intense episodes coming very soon and we can't wait to share them with all of you!
We love you all and thank you so much!! See you next Sunday!!
Your intros are top tier hands down. 🤘
So Waverly hills became a place called Woodhaven, which was an old folks home, and some say it’s actually Woodhaven that brought all this darkness and maliciousness. The patients at Woodhaven would be tied up left for days in their own fecal matter. So #TwinParanormal, y’all should definitely make a return and focus on that part cuz it wasn’t just Waverley hills. Last thing I noticed other investigators do the morgue thing where they lay in it so I don’t know if that’s common or not.? This is not to take anything away from #TwinParanormal ✌️
17:02 on the right side I believe you see I white figure the size of a boy move from right to left…
Also sister is another term for "Nurse" or at least what they call each other.
Yo mabye the ghost that they made his mouth shut was talking with the rem pod(morse code)
Just a thought when you guys said you were freezing in the morgue drawers. Isn't that how they're meant to be anyway, to preserve the bodies? 😱
i like Wyatt 🙂
Love you guys …notification coming through …I also don't rely on them ….always know when to tune faithfully !
What an incredible investigation!! Great job bois!! 🖤 👻
Wyatt should’ve gotten up and grabbed rivers ankle 😂😂
Spend the night!!!
When the spirit at the end Mavis was talking about Sister, it got me thinking, weren't nurses called ward sisters a few years ago?
19:27 do you see it? The face in the window? Zoom in 😮
What going on with that name KEVIN ?? who is he because I hear that name in lasts films and I dont know. Can somebody tell me please.
13:45 potential orb ? or just dust ?
Come again with whole squad of 5 6 people 👍🏻
"thats the least of my worries…f*** your sliver" Lmao
The ghost is traumatised with these boys and get emotional damage soon.. R.i.P
Could the beeps be Morse code?
That shot was crazyyyy
Pls get em to 40.000 likes I wanna see more
The return of the skeletons
I thought the nurse in room 502, comitted suicide, because she was pregnant and not married…? Just sayin'!
Did anybody else see the orb going to Ryan’s head? 49:50
23:09 watch closely to Wyatt coat. It is opening slowly. My goodness, the drawer being pulled twice had me on edge. Something was there right there by you all and it clearly wants you 3 to be part of their 6,003 body count and it had the body cart ready for the body chute 😬 Kevin your attachment and a protector?
Hey… I'm here guy's 👋(vikki)
It's feel like I'm dead while watching this series 😂😂
I think twin paranormals music box is creepy
I am curious…who creates your intro music???
Wyatt looks like the guy from the movie Angus 1995
5:05 –50:08 , orb appeared
Hi it’s Carolina I emailed u regarding our haunted high school in El Paso Texas!!
I saw the tiktok and RANNN to YouTube awesome work boys
Ryan and River and Wyatt I don't know if you noticed it but there was an orb in with Ryan
Discovered this channel like a week ago… I’m shook 🥴 love what you guys do def one of my faves channels on YouTube