Unbelievable footage Salzburg | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry

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Residents have been forced to evacuate their homes, and emergency services have been working around the clock to rescue stranded people and animals. The Austrian army has also been deployed to assist with the relief efforts.

Heavy rainfall in Austria has caused severe flooding in several parts of the country, leading to widespread damage and disruption. The Salzburg region, in particular, has been badly hit, with the River Salzach bursting its banks and inundating nearby towns and villages.

The flooding has caused extensive damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure, including roads and bridges. Several highways have been closed due to the floodwaters, causing major traffic disruptions.

The Austrian government has declared a state of emergency in the affected areas and has pledged to provide financial assistance to those affected by the floods. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has called for a coordinated European response to the disaster, saying that “we must stand together in times of crisis.”

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