It’s easy to think that the world is a normal place. What we don’t know is that every day, there are insane things that happen across the world. Things which, if they weren’t captured on camera, you’d think were nothing but fairytales and myths! From the door that leads to hell to rivers with multiple colors, here are 20 of the most insane natural phenomena caught on camera!
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I haven’t seen blood rain, but I have seen blood red snow.
It's because of the vesica piscis the two waves meeting creates. It's the symbol for the worship of a pagan god for creation of life.
The missing topic looks like one of the blades/propellers of the drone that supposedly caught it
When I see ants acting strange, I'm out of there!!
Water SPOUT, not sprout. A sprout is growing vegetation.
Stealth hover craft with a sleeve disguise
Water SPOUT, not Sprout!
It’s a water spout not sprout.
Looka like an "X Files Cloud"… 😉
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