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The in-depth story of the East Palestine Ohio Train Derailment Disaster 2023:
The quiet town of East Palestine, Ohio, became a household name when a freight train with a heavy cocktail of explosive chemicals derailed and burst into flames.
The 150-car freight train operated by Norfolk Southern left Madison, Illinois, on Wednesday, 1 February 2023. It was a routine run to Conway in Pennsylvania, home to one of the largest rail yards in the US.
But the situation quickly deteriorated.
In this video, we’ll explore why – with an average of more than three train derailments per day – this one is so controversial. We’ll look at how the incident went viral on social media and quickly turned political.
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FireStar Drones Photography @firestardronephotography8331
Floatography @floatography
Schoolbook Depository @LakeCityQuietPillz
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You're being very judicious to the government, who is clearly misleading and lying to the public about how dangerous this disaster is. (Because 4 months later this is still ongoing) shame on you.
I think NS is cutting corners no thanks to their new ceo, and not having regular freight car or locomotive safety inspections. I don’t blame the railroad or it’s employees just their CEO
It took how many years for the government to admit agent orange was dangerous? If you think you’ll get honesty today, you’ve already lost
billions to Ukraine!! How much to E.Palestine again?
Yes, The School District of the State of Pennsylvania.
Just one school district encompassing the entire state. We like to keep things simple.
The US government reacted to this incident the same way the Soviet government did to the Chernobyl Disaster. Absolutely despicable.
Yeah the EPA said the same thing about ground zero after 9/11 and look at all the first responders dying of cancer
Reminds me of Lac Mégantic so much
America strikes again 💪🏼
Remember that when officials tell you what's best, it's not always about what's best for you.
The Government said the Fish Committed Suicide!
The US Government is a Criminal Cartel! Just like the Mafia. the Government is going to Destroy your Life, Steal your Property, Money, and Rights! The Enemy is the Corrupt Government!
"Once you realize the U.S. government is an organized crime syndicate, everything makes sense." ~ L. Todd Wood
No Matter who is in Charge… the People Lose! Cut the Government & Hold the Government Criminals Accountable to win again! Support the Freedom Caucus!
The Government Party… Yee Haw… Where did all the money go? Where did my Standard of Living Go? Phoof… just like your "Rights" they are GONE!
The Government, Judges, Prosecutors, Cops, 3 Letter Agencies, MSM, Big Tech, Big Business, Big Banks all hate Cameras, Truth, Transparency, Accountability, Dogs, the Bill of Rights, and Citizens!
The Sheeple need to take a hard Look at the REAL Enemy… the Government! They steal your Privacy, Freedom, Liberty, money, property, rights, dignity, and your future!
You are NOTHING but TAX CHATTEL! The Ruling Class HATES you! Bend Over they are going to Govern you HARDER!
Wake Up Sheeple… you are not Free! It is all an Illusion to keep you under control! That should make you so proud… stand up tall and march down Main Street Waving Old Glory and singing the Star Spangled Banner! Baaa Baaa Baaa
According to Our Government: Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, Murder, & Corruption of Any Kind is Unacceptable in our Society… Unless the Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, Murder, & Corruption is Perpetrated by the Government!
The Beatings Will Continue… Until Your Compliance Improves… the Government wants good Obedient Slaves! Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty is VERBOTEN!
The Government hates Free Thinking & Critical Thinking! Back the Blue and get your Beating Too!
The Cops/Government has a POLICY and NO Accountability… You pesky citizens have the LAWS and Just-Us!
The laws are NOT made to protect the pesky citizens. They are made to protect the lawmakers, enforcers, and bureaucrats from the pesky citizens.
Has anyone else noticed… every time the Government passes a Law… the People Lose their Quality of Life, Money, Privacy, Liberty, and Rights while the Ruling Masters become wealthier?
Ronald Reagan – We Don’t have inflation because We are living too well. We have it because the Government is living too well.
When does the US Constitution and Bill of Rights Kick in? Where is the Accountability? When do I get the FREEDOM? When will the Government leave me alone and take their hands out of my pockets?
New Government Law… "Thee Pesky Citizens Shalt NOT… under penalty of DEATH"
A Deliberate Act
The UK government has tried to stop us hearing about this news
Cost cutting, more profits… Cause of this accident…. GREED!
Thumbs down for the ad.
This is a better ad transition than the ghost train one.
6:30 Yes, those are fckin storm clouds. Burned vinyl chloride doesnt look even closely similar to this.
So someone get into a car and follow those trucks !!!!! Where this contaminated soil goes is very important.
I remember this and how even in the early hours of the crash they were saying it was safe for people to stay. They should have evacuated the whole town and surrounds as far as the cloud was seen. I remember thinking that if I was in that town I would have packed up my car with my valuables and been on the road asap and I would have found a way to never go back. I feel sad for the people that are still there fighting because it'll only be once people start dying years from now and people working hard to investigate and prove the disaster that people will get any compensation and by that time it will be to late. Governments and politicians and just evil when it comes to protecting people from big companies
Ohio fire ☠️☠️☠️
Fire in Ohio be like ☠️☠️☠️☠️
I'll bet that there are many news stories that left-leaning media seldom cover.
Stop whining about "political." Trump rescinded the reg that required testing and maintenance.
Deal with your choices.
This is the kind of disaster that will ruin the lives of the first responders later. Breathing toxic… burning toxic fumes is not a good idea. These guys are a brave bunch. Real live heros in my book.
People call it small mini Chernobyl
Mega corp: we've investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong
no w9nder Ohio is so weird
I can’t even articulate how this makes me feel
People should be in jail. Pete Bootygag was more interested in female crash test dummies – not even joking – than this disaster. The entire administration should be tarred and feathered and marched into jail.
It had a lot to do with Trump trashing safety regulations that were in place, that the company exploited and made the trains unsafe – all in the name of more profits. Greedy pigs.
this was enough to actually damage the whole planets ecosystem! they won't tell you that!
Your heart goes out, especially for a smaller town, to be left to suffer not only the events and aftermath but to live under the dubious statements/silence of two powerful entities versus the evidence that these people are constantly coming across. And feeling aprehension from what may or not be present, including inside their homes.
Every year, instead of improving the quality or safety, they blow their money on crack legal hitsquads and on adding to the threadbare curtain we've all seen through for a long time.
Progress is a concept I often struggle to see much evidence – certainly only negative progress here : those mandated and ( apparently )held to account as they rake in the profits 🤔 even the old West could realistically rely on their air NOT being poisoned when trains derailed.