After being abandoned in the middle of the night, Ringed was completely heartbroken. He thought his days of happiness were over, but just look at him today.
If you’d like to help more dogs like Ringed, please click here: https://links.soidog.org/please-help-more-dogs-like-ringed.
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By watching, liking and sharing the videos you are supporting the rescue and rehabilitation of the dogs and cats in Asia that are in need of help.
Soi Dog Foundation is a not for profit organisation based in Phuket, Thailand that relies on donations to help vulnerable street dogs & cats who have been abused or neglected. Soi Dog Foundation is one of the leading organisations in ending the dog meat trade in south-east Asia. After successfully ending the dog meat trade in Thailand, Soi Dog Foundation is now hoping to bring an end to the trade in neighbouring countries like Vietnam and Cambodia.
For more information about Soi Dog Foundation: VISIT OUR WEBSITE: https://www.soidog.org
You can also find us on:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SoiDogPageInEnglish
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/SoiDogFoundation
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/soidogfoundation/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SoiDogPhuket
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/soidogfoundation
Soi Dog cares for thousands of animals every year and as an animal loving supporter you will be giving these animals a second chance at life with your donations.
There are many ways you can help end the suffering of dogs and cats of Asia:
Please sign our petition to bring in laws to end the dog meat trade in Vietnam: https://links.soidog.org/sign-the-letter-to-end-dog-meat-trade-vietnam
Sponsor a dog or a cat. Your small monthly gift will help fund the shelter, food, and veterinary care for dogs and cats that have nowhere else to go.https://links.soidog.org/join-the-sponsorship-programme
Adopt a rescued dog or cat and give them a forever home: https://links.soidog.org/give-a-foreverhome-to-a-rescue-animal
To find out more visit our website: https://links.soidog.org/how-you-can-help
Esta muy bonito gracias por todo lo que están haciendo con los perritos inosentes muchas bendiciones Dios los bendiga siempre 😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤
❤❤❤❤❤❤muchas bendiciones por rescatarlo el se merece unas personas muy maravillosas cómo ustedes 😊😊😊😊😊😊
God bless you all are true hero's and angels thank you for saving him❤❤❤
Grazie mille per quello che hai fatto per questo piccolo animali sei una bella persona Dio salverà te non dimenticarlo grazie di vero cuore ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I❤ he or she so very infinite ♾ and beyond so's and infinite ♾ and beyond verys
Danke das ihr euch so um diese armen Seelen kümmert 🙏👍🐕🐕🐕🐕
Pobrecita,porq hacen eso?? 😢😢😢
This is an Animal Rescue in Thailand. They just completed a brand new MEGA-VETERINARY HOSPITAL huge facility. They also adopt internationally. So take a look.
congratulations to Soi Dog for being the FIRST DOG RESCUE TO COVER AN ENTIRE COUNTRY!! They are now working on covering Vietnam. Dharma Ki Jai!!!
I support this fine organization.