A young mother gets a deadly Valentine’s Day surprise from her ex-boyfriend. A woman is found dead in the bath and holes are found in her husband’s story
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From “Poisonous Liaisons”
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Another white boy with the weirdo of fetishization Asian women.
Why can't you pronounce his sur name correctly? The r isn't silent.
i can’t even imagine what that child had to go through. Imagine asking what happened to my parents to your care taker and they explained this to her
Wait,how did it go from not liking him and him being a stalker to her having his baby?? Did i miss something?
Well basically they gave him a slap on the wrist for trying to throw a toxic, caustic substance into her face so why would he be afraid to do MORE?👹
Too have a dark personality, Do you have to come from a Dark planet…?
We wouldn't be seeing this if the city was so Safe…Hmm
This is a death penalty case on the perpetrator on this evil deed. Period!
📌 MURDER ☠️ ❓
…….is born of💔 love, and love💟 attains the greatest ⚡intensity in💬 murder.🏴☠️‼️🥶
Injections are really scary
Drowning in baths must have been quite common. I remember when I used to stay at my granmother's, I couldn't have a bath in peace with her knocking on the door every 5 minutes to check I was still alive.
How quick love can turn into hate
She looked on the photo sweet and has nice smile ,looks like good woman
She run off from that horrible man and tried makes better life for herself and her daughter
He was so not happy and jealous that she is well without him
I can't describe in words how horrible and sad it is
I hope her daughter is looked after by her grandparents
How much you have to hate her to kill her like that cause her a pain
I'm sorry folks, but I dont think this guy is going to hell. The devil hates competition.
Matatan"(".🤔.")"Ribirin H-S
April Beth Pitzer. she is still missing. adding the name and comment to get the name out and raise awareness please someone look into this
Can't reach a spot on her butt ? Really
It's so chilling watching that video footage, knowing the terrible outcome….. 😔
About the first case, the professor says that the technicians had to wear protective clothes during the autopsy, so they were not also poisoned by the cyanide. How would they know she died from cyanide poisoning, before they did the autopsy? 😂 Also, if they knew beforehand that she died from cyanide poisoning, then why would they do the autopsy? 🤣
I've met Joey Merlino numerous times. I lived in Philly for 26 years. He used to come & hangout with my friends & I at the Fralinger String Band Clubhouse that's on the corner of 2nd & Mifflin Street in South Philly
How did he not get major jail time for attempting to hurt her the first time?!
I remember seeing this on Court TV such a sad story
Restraining orders don't work!!! Ask anyone who's had one. Why was he not prosecuted for the acid assault?!! So he kills her in the most heinous way possible so he can get their daughter but plans to flee the country without her. WTF! He didn't give a crap about his daughter.
What's shocking is that a city with 20 homicides a year is considered safe in States!!! That's crazy!
What's with the tacky handwritten notes? This is real life, not a Lifetime movie or a music video. Hard pass.
Should've had a taste of his own medicine
What a stunning, hard working, amazing mother. Sis on this waste of air