Check out our main channel⬇️
Follow along with our family as we share our life events while living on our 168 acre homestead, farm and stables!
We are all about raising and training our horses, the Missouri Foxtrotter. Our goal is to bring awareness to this breed and showcase just how wonderful they are! We also raise and train our working border collie dogs. And don’t forget the homesteads sheep, goats and mini cattle!!! We also go to occasional auctions and recently have gotten into regenerative farming/agriculture. We are all about learning how to improve our fields/soil.
Phew! That’s a lot! But we love it! Make sure to subscribe to our channel to follow along!
You can also check out Rosa Family Farm on Facebook and Instagram to see more photos of our animals, stables and more!
Interested in our riding school or have questions? Contact us @ therosafamilyfarm@gmail.com
Love the Great Pyrenees Dogs.
I had three, I've got one left.
She is nearly 19, she stays in the house now,
Loves her recliner.
Oh my goodness! ❤❤❤❤
Love the music to this, makes me laugh.😊😊😊
That is a beautiful baby dog 🐶 ❤❤😊
Mine is cuter
Love this puppy. Is it a Great Pyrenees?
She’s precious! ❤️ Great Pyrenees or Maremma Shepherd?
(Also I just began following your journey, and I love your channel! Can’t wait to see more updates on Oliver and the pups 😊)
Cute but not the cutest
She stole my name. 👍🙃☝️
So cute🇺🇸❤️🌹
Oh my gosh! My heart just melted !!! ❤❤💓 😍 😊❤❤❤
That's a baby polar bear! 😉😃♥️
Precious. ❤
How Adorable 🥰
So cute 🥰
She's beautiful! She'll be a lot of help on the farm 🥰
She’s adorable 🥰
too cute!
Oh so cute!
Did you breed for that pup?
Aww. She’s a ball of fluff. She looks so chill.