In this video, we countdown 7 GHOSTS YouTubers CAUGHT In Videos! From scary ghost sightings that YouTubers caught, to unexplainable creepy moments in videos, and even a ghost sighting when Salish and Nidal went to a haunted house! This video has Jordan Matter, Salish Matter, Hudson Matter, Jordan Matter Photo Challenges, Nidal Wonder Official, Nidal Wonder, Juju & Nidal, Salish and Nidal, Salish Matter and Nidal, Salish Matter Channel, Salish Matter Song, Salish and Nidal kiss, Nidal and Salish kiss, Nidal and Salish, nalish, Jordan Matter nidal, Jordan Matter Salish, Jordan Matter lie detector test, Jordan Matter song, NALISH, #nalish, and other YouTuber ghost sighting moments! Here, we showcase 7 of those moments giving our reaction, commentary, opinions, criticisms, humor, and rank them in our top 7 countdown list. But make sure to watch till the end for a surprise!
Other Cool Videos:
Salish & Nidal FORGOT To Stop Recording.. (Jordan Matter is MAD)
My Daughter’s Extreme Lie Detector Test!
PRANKING My BEST Friends Dad ft/Jordan Matter
Pranking FAMOUS YouTubers !!
8 YouTubers Behind The Voices! (Salish Matter, Jordan Matter, FGTeeV)
Music by MBB
The commentary/editing style is unique and adds value by putting it into my own list and stating my opinions/making it funnier which transforms the work making it different and unique each video. EyeQ created and edited this video to fit with fair use and has full rights to content and copyright.
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For Copyright Issues, Contact: EyeQBiz@gmail.com
The other guests leave two kids alone but they want between each other😮
a ghost
4:17 that was fake!
hey somthing i realized is that when the power went out on jesters part if you look at right box where the power went out on the left side of that box you can see a forehead and down to the bottem of the nose it could be that thing that contrled the charicter in fortnight. if one of you can tell me what that is ill be more the happy to know
POV: u watched all of Jordan matters videos😂
Im not going to subcribe beacause i do not ship nalish
I ship nalish
I saw skin under the penny mask
Pokiman is just not scared
I'm so done right now!
Eyeq doesn't have iq
O My God
This is amazing
I love your channel!
I love your videos, there's so much fun.