The Super Mario Brothers Movie Made over a BILLION Dollars. I think that many companies are now looking to perhaps turn their mascot star into a film star as well, including, Crash Bandicoot. Toys for Bob has stated that they want to see our hero Crash hit the big screen. So, Could a Crash Bandicoot Movie Happen? And how can we make it good? Let’s talk about it!
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What do you guys think? Should I share my Crash Bandicoot Movie Idea? 🤔
Definitely made some good points, but there is another character that made good head way, and maybe it's just cause I'm still salty it hasn't been properly revisited. Jak and Daxter, now yes jak is mute for the first game but the sequels did fix and expand on that
This has been a video I’ve been waiting for!!! LETS GO!
Mario and Sonics movies don't work because there "strangers in a strange land" films. In fact most fans hate they did that to Sonic. Mario and Sonic worked because they realized to do this video games justice and make them feel right, the characters had to feel like gamers. So Sonic and Eggmans banter is that of two friends or siblings trying to trash talk each other while competing at video games. Mario does this too with Donkey Kong and kinda Peach.
Crash will need to do this too.
I think the animated series you're describing sounds very similar to Sonic Boom which has the team getting up to random stuff in every episode, often with Robotnik trying to destroy them or endangering other characters that the team needs to save. Sometimes, it's silly nonsense for an episode, sometimes it's more action-focused. But it was a great show with a lot of clever humour. I'd love for Crash Bandicoot to follow that format.
Plz tell TOB Crash bandicoot to speak and TALK you have to do it
I really want a Crash Bandicoot Movie badly.
Me personally I would like to know what your pitch for a Jak and Daxter movie would be like as will as a crash movie
Ps. I think Jak would be like the Saturday morning cartoons of old serious story but also has funny moments
Pps. I agree Crash fits better as something like loony toons
If they use Aku Aku as a manner for Crash Bandicoot in a Crash Bandicoot Live-Action Movie, that'll gonna work well. I also want original Tawna Bandicoot back in if really a Crash Bandicoot Live-Action Movie Happens. They can use models from Original 5 Crash Bandicoot games with PS3 with 4k HDR graphics. It'll make their fur more realistic and brighter.
Since you talked about a Crash movie you might as well talk about a spyro movie since the franchises go back to back
it might do ok.. wont come close to the mario movie though.
If they were to go for a movie route, I assume they show a scene where Tawna was evolved with Crash and that they been together even before they were evolved. When Crash escapes, he's meets Aku Aku who would be his guide and commenter for the movie, throughout it we see Crash having a hard time navigating through the jungle as falls into pits, gets eaten by plants, and attacked by rabbid animals.
If they were to go for a series though(and this might be a hot take) I kind of want it to be CG animated similar to the Skylander series or those shorts for Titans as its looks a lot closer to the games and can really have backgrounds that Pop out more.
I don't think Crash 1 is a good movie adaptation. However, sequels could be a much better idea for a movie, especially Crash 4. Crash 1 could be some kind of flashback to what Rocket the Racoon had in Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3. This thing could be a solution for Crash because Coco can talk to him, while Crash can still speak with gestures
No. Mario is on a whole different plane than crash. A movie can be made, sure, but not to the same level of “profitability”
Personally I think Crash would better suit a cartoon series a la Animaniacs, but a movie would be interesting too. I'm imagining a plot that combines elements from the first three games so that the most iconic characters all show up.
Zach Levy as Crash
Anna Kendrick as Coco
Peter Dinklage as Cortex
Scarlett Johansson as Tawna
Hugh Jackman as Dingodile
Tom Hiddleston as N Tropy
Cate Blanchett as F N Tropy
A Crash Bandicoot movie would be a tall order, but if they can make it Work then it would be cool to see. I think people will be divided if the Movie version of Crash Bandicoot should talk or not. There are some people that think that if he talks it just wouldn't be the same but others think that if he doesn't talk then he would be flat as a character. Like for example Mario usually does not talk in his games, but for his movie he ACTUALLY did talk. I will have to see what Crash Bandicoot Movie is like before I Reserve Judgement but it might be a good one. I just hope that it is Animated and not live action. I also wonder if Coco will be in it and not just Crash Bandicoot, Tawna, Neo Cortex, Nitrus Brio, and Aku Aku.
Lastly I wonder who should voice papu papu, ripper roo, koala Kong and Pinstripe Potoroo, and Aku Aku. Like the bosses didn’t talk in the first game and Aku Aku didn't talk in the first 2 games, but they would need to be able to talk in the movie to not be bland characters.
I find it funny that you talk about there being a possible crash movie but have Spyro soundtrack playing in the background, I feel that if they make a crash movie then Spyro should play a small part of the movie or just combine a Spyro/crash movie
Back when Crash of the Titans was coming out, the first ads I saw for it were in a movie theater, and actually thought it was going to be a movie.
The moment you mentioned the idea of a cartoon being a possibility my mind went to the idea of it being done on the cheap by using the assets from either the n sane trilogy/ctrnf or with the crash 4/ctrumble assets
I feel a mute character can work if the writers and storyboarders put enough effort into acting and agency. After all filmmaking started off silent. Make Crash a Chaplin or Keaton. Hell we still have some ALL-pantomime animations like Shaun the Sheep. I just kinda worry that if they made a film, they'd be lazy in that regard, do what Crash 4 did and have Coco or another speaking character pretty much usurp the lead role and demote him to comic relief, with the story almost flowing without him.
Really I think Titans was a decent example of Crash 1's story bulked up, showing Crash and Aku's chemistry, them interacting with all the bad guys, Crash's bond with the person he's saving and how Crash is goofy yet crazy-awesome enough to save them.
9:12 top tier Mario expression
It can work but but you have to have good story, great animation and original ideas. And really please dont make it woke.
I would love to see both movies and series with Crash Bandicoot and also with Spyro The Dragon ❤️❤️
he'd probably talk anyways, he talked in Skylanders Academy
Honestly.. I don't want Sony Pictures anywhere near Crash Bandicoot.. I'd prefer Dreamworks via Universal. Sony only make these horrid live action hybrid films like Sonic, Smirfs, Alvin and the Chipmunks.. Crash deserves a proper animation studio.. Plus with Crash soon to be a Microsoft owned property Sony makes even less sense.
Movie adaptation can work but only with the right execution, if you mess it up, it will be bad. At least it's not as difficult as live action adaptation which has bombed, it's not a good thing to go, look at today's PPG attempt before it was canceled after the script leak.
I'd rather Toys for Bob or whomever made a remaster of Crash Twinsanity, with all of the cut content brought back in. Video games have become more cinematic over time, and watching all the cutscenes from a video game can be almost as long as a movie anyway. If there's a Crash Bandicoot movie to speak of, it's in watching the cutscenes (filling in gaps between scenes with the levels).
Actually yes I would like to hear your pitch of a movie but I don't expect a lot. It would likely be the sony film thing and I don't know about their video games movie thing after uncharted movie.
But yes cortex has a pretty big personality. If crash stays mute we are going to rely on his character alot for exposition just like aku aku. Or Coco.
Tom & Jerry can’t talk, yet they have many movies and people love watching them.
For character development, Crash used to jump and spin, then he developed to be able to slide, body slam, double jump and even using fruit bazooka and driving different vehicles. The power ups are milestones for development, also he made friends, lots of friends, he met people along the way, he crossed the timelines and gained a sense of fashion that he started wearing costumes. All of these events a movie maker can invest to make a masterpiece.
I'm sorry but if we do get a crash movie. He's probably going to not be mute. Look the Mario movie yeah you can argue with me that hey Mario talks. Aside from saying here we go or Mama Mia he hasn't needed to have a conversation. You could say that they could look at crash. He goes wow! Yeah a . movie is going to need him to talk it's going to take a lot of liberties onto itself like the sonic movie likely.
If they announce a movie this is going to feel like a movie channel so quick lol
Keen to hear your movie pitch in another video!! Love you work 🔥
No Looney Tunes movies made a big splash? Uhh… have you heard of Space Jam?
If there is a crash movie, I think you can make a good movie without crash talkin because there a film called Shaun the sheep is a silent film and I love as a kid to now.
What if instead of having Crash talk, we got to hear Crash’s inner monologue throughout the film? Seems like a good compromise imo; it allows Crash to express himself to the audience without completely breaking the rules of the lore
Meanwhile Spyro is overdue for a movie (even had a cancelled one back in the Legend Spyro days)
Short Answer: NO!
Companies always think "if we do the exact same thing we'll get the same result" – of course if you see a competitor franchise produce something using a different media you'll 100% include it as a talking point at your next company meeting
In reality A.) waaaaaay more people are connected to Mario as it's a far bigger franchise, B.) Mario is and always has been more family friendly in that any random kid can pick up any game and have fun whereas Crash has remains atleast that bit more technical, and C.) As someone previously pointed out on Reddit I believe is that (as you now also mention) Crash doesn't speak… so to make it work would be very difficult.
The only way it could work is if it is promoted and partnered strongly in Australia… strongly injected with COMEDY and partnering with Bandicoot Conservation Organisations including Australia Zoo (previously featured in a promo)
You neglected to mention how it was the technology used to build Crash out of 120-odd polygons was then actually used to make Mario 64, the tech used to make Crash 1 was literally an industry changer for platformers. You also got the origin of Crash slightly incorrect, Crash wasn't "a bandicoot in Australia" but in actual fact was based off an Australian bandicoot however residing in a fictional land nearby or to quote – "The Wumpa Islands are a fictional archipelago of three or more islands located south or south-east of Australia, often replacing Tasmania in its entirety."
It's not just SOUNDS and FACIAL RESPONSES we have to "develop" Crash, but also his ACTIONS in a potential movie – it would be easy in this sense to take him from a "sleepy dum-dum" to a responsive decision-making hero. The other way to get around the lack of talking issue, is by having him adventure with Coco or otherwise – as observed in most Crash 4 cutscenes – a point you also briefly covered. What about if the movie was actually centered on Coco? For 1.) that appeals more to girls in terms of kid audiences but 2.) it could provide an interesting take on the franchise such as… Crash is kidnapped and the rest of the bandicoot family (Coco, Crunch but also Aku, Lani-Loli) battle to rescue him and thus giving us a heap of character development for other characters that desperately need it – even if that's Tiny Tiger or other characters they meet on the way.
Also, you remain overwhelmingly positive in your wording (which is fine) but how can you believe "Crash is back and is doing very very well" and "there is no stopping Crash Bandicoot" when we literally just watched Crash On The Run come, make heaps of promises, and then BURN! While it's good to not be negative and remain positive, it makes your videos super cringy whenever you make bold and simply opinionated statements such as these
I fully agree that a TV show would be better placed first, one to two seasons in partnership with Netflix or whatever 🙂 Maybe even open a competition to get kid viewers (hopefully as new crash fans) to design and submit their own ideas for characters to add to the franchise. But that said, you may as well share your grand idea for a movie pitch 🙂 I plan on sharing my grand idea for a "complete" true Crash Bandicoot video game that I designed as a kid during the height of Crash soon….
Why not do a silent movie where the actions speak louder than the words for a Crash Bandicoot Movie…I mean look at Hardcore Henry ? Also what Bugs me is how Ratchet and Clank failed as an animated film based on a video game and Mario is more successful given the Nintendo Brand behind it.
Greag point CGE! I agree. I think a series would work the best for Crash. Similar to the Cuphead Show, which is awesome!
A fun idea I've been playing around with – not necessarily for a Crash movie, but for a Crash narrative in general – is an origin story for Coco set between Crash 1 and 2.
The premise for my idea is, after Coco first escapes from Cortex's lair and strikes out on her own, she is actually still evil despite having free will, and she wants to use her genius mind to conquer the world for herself rather than on behalf of Cortex, so when she first meets up with Crash, she decides to use him for her own gain, taking advantage of Crash's gullible, happy-go-lucky nature to forward her schemes… only for her to ultimately become endeared to her brother after he saves her life at one point, leading Coco to put her evil schemes on hold indefinitely for his sake.
It would be a very comical story, with Coco trying to get Crash to help her enact one devious plan after another, the bandicoot boy of course being oblivious to what's really going on… only for Crash to keep messing things up, causing each scheme to blow up in Coco's face, and sometimes literally at that.
Now, you're probably thinking, "Wouldn't Aku Aku catch on to Coco's true intentions real quick and warn Crash?" Well, yeah, but… shut up.
…Seriously, though, I didn't think that far ahead with this premise. Heh.
With the mute main character, it's good to look at Wile E. Coyote, Silent Bob, and Tom & Jerry. For movies, the silent characters were mostly in the background, reacting to what other characters were saying. They also all had times when they talked, often as a surprise. Wile E. Coyote & The Roadrunner and Tom & Jerry hold a short cartoon all on their own without any dialogue. A series does make the most sense. If a movie, Crash can be part of the B plot(like the Tom & Jerry movies) or have Coco and/or Aku Aku talk for two(Jay & Silent Bob).
I just hope that if we do get a Crash movie, the fans give it a fair chance… as opposed to the usual thing of dismissing/slandering it based on the usual arbitrary factors – namely, the character designs and/or the fact that it wasn't made by Naughty Dog.
no it cant
If Crash was going to be the silent protagonist in the movie, the easiest way to do so is pin it to the "fail experiment". Every other animal that were successful experiment can talk, but failed experiments like Crash can't. From there, instead of Cortex seeking to destroy Crash, he simply disregards him and continues his work until Crash actually comes back to cause problems for him.
No matter what Crash does, it should NOT be live action
Wow crash bandicoot movie