A new Roku TV show follows the unsung heroes in the face of disaster. “Team Rubicon” follows volunteers who help to rebuild communities after natural disasters. The team started back in 2010 after the deadly earthquake in Haiti when a group of veterans got the call to action to help with the devastation. The show’s host, Kevin O’Connor, says the show “is mostly about celebrating these gray shirts and their service.”
It's really nice to see people like this helping one another🤔
Do they also help clean up after massive riots and violent mobs?
the US needs more people like this, not a bunch of mass shooters
They helped so much after Harvey here in Aransas Pass, Texas
why he do a signe of cautation with his hand whene he say "survavors" !!!!?
Props to them
Wow, this is truly incredible that people step into action in a case like that!
That’s so nice and sweet!
When you need humanity the most!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
We need more acknowledgment for these people!
Fourth :/
First one spelled correctly
Second comment