First mma fight and his first power hit is to the back of the other guys head. Lame
Someone needs to teach you fucking kids how to sprawl 😂 y’all weak asses would not be getting slammed or throw to the ground if you just took up a combat sport or wrestling these look like 2 juveniles smacking each other like little girls and hugging even in highschool I would have beat these kids asses with ease y’all need to learn how to fight before y’all get in them because this shit is pathetic
Street fights can be dirty fights where the fight was brought on and only one fighter was suppose to smash the guy they wanted smashed. When the guy that was suppose to win starts to look like he will be smashed. They end the fight. That’s why street fights are dirty. It’s a gang fight of sorts. They usually trap the guy the gang wants beat from his friends being there. That way they control the fight to turn out for their gang buddy.
Why did they all come to break it up when he finally got good position. I hate that. I kept fighting this dude. When ever I would get an opportunity to finish I’d get pulled off. Then he would come at me again. I was exhausted just trying to wrestle the other guys off me. I had at least 4 opportunities to finish and was stopped by his buddies. If your gonna stop the fight the fight is stopped. You don’t let your friend off the hook and then start up again. And buddy started the fight.
Tf is this gay ass grabbing shit
a good fight. now shake and double up
I love how they break it up when the other kid starts to win, fucking p***ys
If you read the title correctly both are supposed to be mma fighters
All I know them fools ass at fighting
You know it ain’t a real fight to both or at least one of them cuz why the fuck dude got his ear buds on him for? put your unnecessary ish away in pockets or bag, roll up your sleeves, get in your ready stance and FIGHT!
Let’s be real.. that kid wasn’t about to beat anybody up☠️
Let the dude fight stop being a one sided pussy.
Great beginner leg control by the kid in the blue still needs work but still is gonna beat 98 of regular kids
Grab his penis!!!!???? Do that to me you may break your hand!
More like a wrestler.. and a shitty one at that
MMA fighter my ass lmaoooo
Racist students I say
This ain't no MMA fighter! LOL
I saw a few chances for a guilliotine choke from the blue shirt….kinda sad he didnt take it
Yeah when dude finally got him over you want to stop the fight fk that bs you saved that fool
First mma fight and his first power hit is to the back of the other guys head. Lame
Someone needs to teach you fucking kids how to sprawl 😂 y’all weak asses would not be getting slammed or throw to the ground if you just took up a combat sport or wrestling these look like 2 juveniles smacking each other like little girls and hugging even in highschool I would have beat these kids asses with ease y’all need to learn how to fight before y’all get in them because this shit is pathetic
Street fights can be dirty fights where the fight was brought on and only one fighter was suppose to smash the guy they wanted smashed. When the guy that was suppose to win starts to look like he will be smashed. They end the fight. That’s why street fights are dirty. It’s a gang fight of sorts. They usually trap the guy the gang wants beat from his friends being there. That way they control the fight to turn out for their gang buddy.
Why did they all come to break it up when he finally got good position. I hate that. I kept fighting this dude. When ever I would get an opportunity to finish I’d get pulled off. Then he would come at me again. I was exhausted just trying to wrestle the other guys off me. I had at least 4 opportunities to finish and was stopped by his buddies. If your gonna stop the fight the fight is stopped. You don’t let your friend off the hook and then start up again. And buddy started the fight.
Tf is this gay ass grabbing shit
a good fight. now shake and double up
I love how they break it up when the other kid starts to win, fucking p***ys
If you read the title correctly both are supposed to be mma fighters
All I know them fools ass at fighting
You know it ain’t a real fight to both or at least one of them cuz why the fuck dude got his ear buds on him for? put your unnecessary ish away in pockets or bag, roll up your sleeves, get in your ready stance and FIGHT!
Let’s be real.. that kid wasn’t about to beat anybody up☠️
Let the dude fight stop being a one sided pussy.
Great beginner leg control by the kid in the blue still needs work but still is gonna beat 98 of regular kids
Grab his penis!!!!???? Do that to me you may break your hand!
More like a wrestler.. and a shitty one at that
MMA fighter my ass lmaoooo
Racist students I say
This ain't no MMA fighter! LOL
I saw a few chances for a guilliotine choke from the blue shirt….kinda sad he didnt take it
Yeah when dude finally got him over you want to stop the fight fk that bs you saved that fool
Which one is the MMA fighter? They both suck
It's wrong why people don't stop fights
Bro missed like 3 or more submissions