Four teenagers and a 12-year-old allegedly stole an SUV. It ended in a high-speed chase, and the video from May 2021 was just …
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Four teenagers and a 12-year-old allegedly stole an SUV. It ended in a high-speed chase, and the video from May 2021 was just …
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What about that car that got T-boned on the express lane?
video says teens
me whose sees 30+ mom vanners on their phone driving reckless and cutting cars off
*me who also sees the 17yo casually driving and following the rules of the road*💀
Love how that truck just got drove around the insane wreck and continued driving
Wtf is wrong with Florida
Can’t help but wonder what made the cops think it was a good idea to do a high speed chase in that traffic
This is just disappointing
That’s a perfect part for Axum movie
Double ploof
Hope they go to juvenile detention for a long time. No excuse for being so blatantly careless to stupid
Welp. Don’t go to Florida.
Imagen getting hit by a runaway car and then needing a go fund me to get the help you need.
This video is brought to you by Universal Pictures
This is what happens when kids don't have parents that whip their ass for misbehaving.
They stole a car and caused all that damage for no reason… absolute idiots, hope they're charged as adults. When they tried to outrun the police, they knew what tf they were doing
This is why the no chase laws should be in every state.
The identity of the minors were not made public….. no need to, we already know…
Flordida… Enough said…
I would love to see the parents of these miscreants. They must be proud of their accomplishments. Giving their kids such upstanding values must warm the heart.
Just give them life in prison. They won’t contribute anything to society anyways
Vehicle and it takes one but to scatter them all over the road
Dunbass kids.
I don't want to see "movie scene" police chases. I want to see less high speed police pursuit of non-violent suspects, and less police pursuit that results in innocent people being killed.
1:10 Should have taken to mental hospital.
Juvenile hall till 18, then jail this idiots for 5 years a piece . No early parol.
If they this bad at 16 imagine them at 28.
due to their color nothing will happen
Do adult crime do adult time!
Let me guess, the four teens were black ?
They should get the full adult treatment. Too many people at risk when kids know they cant go to jail
Dey dindu nuffin!
They should have to pay for the cyclists medical treatment
Their parents should be charged as well like in China. bad parenting kills.
Everyone is talking about the cyclist but what about that bronze suv that got absolutely plastered on the driver door at full speed?
I bet those cops were racist! 🤥
Thats a safe car