Rescuing kittens before they become feral is great because it makes life so much easier ๐
Katie McKittrick and Alex Babcock accomplished this mission successfully. A couple of the captures were not caught on camera, but the most important thing is that everybody is safe with us.
Please help us save more lives with a $5 monthly donation. It’s 17 cents a day to save a life: https://www.HopeForPaws.org
Thank you so much!!!
Compact, Mascara, Lipstick, Blush, and Bronzer are now looking for their forever homes. To apply to adopt them, please visit our friends at: https://www.KittyBungalow.org
#HopeForPaws #cat #kitten #cats #kittens #KittyBungalow
Little Tuxedo Kittens! And they bring fun to the party โค
If I had all five of them, I'd just call it a failed foster and they'd have a home with me forever.
You see that strike by Katie at 1:56. That woman is a cat grabbing ninja!
Fluff balls! Great job you guys. Thanks to everyone who allows animals to be safe and contacts rescue org's to help them.
So my question is at 5.2 MILLION subscribers why aren't there more than 1 or 2 per month rescues on youtube?? I wonder how much money people have given and continue to give every month? I being one of them in the past.Maybe there is a legit answer? I just want to say to the people there are unfortunately too many evil people on youtube that put animals in harms way to look like they are being rescued.Yes this is the world we live in and I hope those people go to hell while I watch.Also there are those that take in alllllotttttt of money in donations on only spend the bare minimum of those donations to do what they say and then keep the rest.
Luck cat ๐ป
The Make-up Cats + the girls' gorgeous nails… A truly beautiful rescue. ๐๐
Why don't i get notifications anymore?
too rough to catch kittens ๐พ๐ฟ
Beautiful Video… THANK YOU for ALL YOU DO.
I wish Hope for Paws would help me with 6 cats plus kittens outside where i live. Nobody agency will help these poor angels. I feed them daily. They need vaccine and adopted
Glad u got momma tooโค
The mother cat seemed to be surprisingly tame. She would likely be a nice pet.
Thanks for saving the whole makeup box๐๐โคโคโค
What can I do with the 5 kittens I have in my shed? They canโt live on the street and I canโt afford to take them to the vet ๐
So happy they were rescued!
fantastic ๐ฑ๐๐๐๐๐
Havenโt watched you in a while but Iโm happy to be back!
Such lucky kitten's.
Iโm not trying to be critical but I literally cannot believe you didnโt name anyone โpowder puffโ lol ๐. Iโd apply make up with anyone of those little cuties โค Just kidding PETA..by the wayโฆ buy only cruelty free please ๐
5:35 No but seriously Momma cat looks like she's seeing the universe unravel itself before her…
Beautiful kittens ๐๐๐
I want to donate.. do u have any option to donate.. pls.. reply to this msge..
Thank For Saving Kitty, God Bless You๐ฅฐ๐ฅฐ๐๐
Prettiest kitty's ever
I donโt know if this channel is fake, but I been try to contact you guys but you guys never respond back.
I am so glad that you decided to get the mother too. So many of the previous rescues either did not bother to get the Mum or got them only to put them back on the streets. So I hope this trend continues, because kittens need their mothers. Great job overall! Thank you for rescuing this beautiful family.
Tak fordi du reddede dem ๐
I like en shoe
Thank you
Seeing these videos makes me think how many puppies and kittens I pass by when Iโm going on vacation, going to the doctor, etc. Itโs just sad they these animals end up on the streets cause of one person that has never owned an animal and canโt take care of it. ๐ข
Nice rescue!
Very cute kettes and and mommy thank you for taking care of them ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Fabulous work! All the kitties are so darling! โค
Thanks you very much for helping to baby kikty and mom ๐โฅ๏ธ
Rescuing cats with air jordan 1s in the mud will always make me cringe
I love your rescues๐! You do such great work โค๐โค๐..
Beautiful floofy babies! Now they get to be carefree and have fun ๐. Makes me cry ๐ช๐