This wild elephant rescued from well by wildlife officers | Animal rescue | Wildlife | 象 | الفي

This wild elephant rescued from well by wildlife officers | Animal rescue | Wildlife | 象 | الفي
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This wild elephant rescued from well by wildlife officers | Animal rescue | Wildlife | 象 | الفي.@cpwildLanka

#elephant #rescue #wildlife


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About the Author: cp wild Lanka


  1. That was great, but what why did they use fireworks? Animals can be very loving, especially to those who helped.

  2. This idiots don't have any sense, they can call forest officers for the treatment of this baby, rather than providing fresh fruits and treatment, the fire crackers were fired on this baby. This is disgusting. Is forest department hearing ??

  3. Good job people! Poor thing was injured and going mad trying to get out. Those firecrackers were for the elephant to run into the jungle and not fall back into the well. Those wells need to be all covered up! Happening all too often.

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