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#FailArmy #Fails
6:54 the moose eating popcorn
My mom is a spinal surgeon,thank you for the Benz ,you fuck ups.
Wow, get me one of those white cars.
I don't get the bee one. Why would that idiot just stand there and let them sting him ?
0:48 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍
Not ####! Daddddddddddddddddy
That poor little Moose calf. Instead of yelling at it and chasing it they should have gotten the box off its mouth.
its so weird watching this videos. its like im watching sims 😭
Just pull on one side of the string…
Retractable leashes? You deserve whatever happens to you….
3:24 lmao i like how kid starts laughing so he wont get slapped xDD smart lil fucker xD
Last one was scary😮
4:01 animal cruelty is not funny. How would someone like to be handled that way?
Epic fail – child falls off bed!
My guy @5:19 was playing bee expert…ended up.bolting too 😅
The poor dog tho with the zoomied 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭
I am so glad, that I am living in the civilisation…
3:08. its like she has never seen a white man before.
"Don't do that!" *proceeds to do that
7:19 imagine being too stoopid to know to pull one end of the floss….
маша ефимова ис самары я тебя люблю Я хочу тебе кунь зделать 😝😝😝😝🤪🤪🤪😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😛😛😛😛😛🤪😜😜🤪🤪😝😝🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑😛😶🌫😛😶🌫😶🌫😶🌫😶🌫🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
I truly believe that some people are so stupid, that they need their breeding rights revoked.
This hurts more to watch then makes me laugh
Мне одному не смешно, когда дригим больно?!
0:41 I had a feeling those weren't your typical Harley riders LOL. 1:17 Uh…I don't know, but. They maybe could have gone around the water? Maybe?
4:50. It’s always nice when the read nex take themselves out.
the biggest fails in these videos are the beeps when someone says a bad word. simply muting it would make it so much better!