People Are Amazing 👑 Average Jae — June 4, 2023 27 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
No one’s talking about when he said “just buy it from Walmart” DUDE THERE IN A FOREST THERES NO WALMART OR TARGET THERE
If u feel dumb remember that this guy thinks there’s a Walmart in a village
too much rubbish talk black guy
salbahe ka
I always mute while watching his videos💀
They don’t have stores u dummy
Cane is spelled W-A-L-K-I-N-G S-T-I-C-K
🥴 thanks 🙏 for my visit today
Bruh walmart does not exist in nepal☠️
I already watched that
Caring for people is the best!😃😀🥰😄😎🥺
He is the definition of unpatient
“That was a sharp knife” wow I never thought a knife could be sharp
Awww that is so nice of him and God bless him for helping that blind woman ❤❤❤❤
No one’s talking about when he said “just buy it from Walmart” DUDE THERE IN A FOREST THERES NO WALMART OR TARGET THERE
This is India my country
This YouTuber is honestly trying to be cool
that was helpful
This guy will be talking in your sleep
Bro theys no Walmart in China village 💀💀💀💀💀
My guy said "go to Walmart 😂😂😂😂
This guy talks every thing in his brain
This man never gonna stop speaking😂😂😂😂
I love your views on how to do things
Bro they ain't got no "Walmart" like why do you think he is hand making her one huh👁️👄👁️🥲🫣
Bro doesn't shut up