Natural Disaster Memes
Check these out or i will cry
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Natural Disaster Memes
Check these out or i will cry
• Twitter – https://twitter.com/vaazkl
• Discord – https://discord.gg/RWvybSMeMc
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whew. NOOOOO GOOSE my dog
gets goose
Meanwhile in europe:
4:45 So ThAt’S nOt a ChIcKeN TeNdEr?
Yea. I know how old some of this content is but I still have to wonder if god is trying to kill us. If so he can just keep trying because we don't seam to stop for anything.
I feel I should point out that pompeii was basicly the roman equivilent of vegas. Now further comment just let that stew and imagine all the results.
2:24 baby when you take the toy:
1:48 El Reno Tornado: Your balls will be gone
Bro got the new DLC 5:53
Nah bro the dolphin was chilling in da hurricane
A car peeled out and it sounded like people screaming holy frick
Bro lose a valorent game and whanted to watch the world burn 2:24
Let’s all celebrate Frida, she saved 52 people!
Irish ppl are built different I know cus I'm Irish lol
3:7 ain't no way bro killed the wither boss 4 times💀
10:55 XDDD
aint no way bro just casually put out a video titled "natural disaster memes"
I WAS THERE FOR THE MIAMI FLOOD (3:51) (full story: I was at a hotel and me and my family and when we left the hotel for dinner THE STREET WAS FLOODED, and this dude rode his bicycle in the 5 feet deep water I pay my respects to that man and we ate at the hotel.)
That dragon at 7:36 would eat Godzilla whole for breakfast and Gidorah for supper. O.O
Look at the size of it and realize that it's still miles away from that city!!!
And people blame my generation for this shit like what am I supposed to do im 13 years-old
But it's like a video ends
11:07 is that a cross lightings of Jesus lighting controller
my b day is the 23th of sep
13:45 finally! Some one who understands me!
Also Oklahoma is nothing compared to ohio dads still mow the lawn in the middle of a tornado and there chill
Bro listen to me people die by toasters more then natural disaster and sharks
man 7:41? Im finna break out skyrim
5:26 all I think of is satori mountain from botw
3:07 bro someone get the mystery box there
3:08 those are fire tornados
7:35 The description of the event sounds like a dragon from How to train your Dragon
I feel the guy who spoke about just surviving a tsunami, if I got drafted into a war I’d survive just out of fucking spite, not will to live, not because I haven’t gone somewhere yet, sheer spite.