The Most Demonic House in England. (w/ TommyInnit & Jack)

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Sam and Colby take TommyInnit and Jack Manifold ghost hunting at the most demonic house in England, the Ancient Ram Inn. This paranormal overnight in the United Kingdom proved to be much scarier than Minecraft.

Check out Tommy and Jack’s Tour here:
Tommy: @TommyInnit
Jack: @JackManifoldTV


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Thank you Haunted Rooms and James for help with Ancient Ram Inn!

Haunted Rooms UK

Check out Ancient Ram yourself!

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Editors: Sam and Colby, & Charles Liu
Asst Editor: Benjamin Cook
Producer: Zach Bell

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About: Sam and Colby create haunted, exploration videos on this channel. Some series include Stanley Hotel, Hell Week, The Queen Mary, and most recently, The Conjuring Series. Subscribe to explore, travel, go ghost hunting, and watch some scary content!

The Most Demonic House in England. (w/ TommyInnit & Jack) | Sam and Colby

Sam and Colby


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About the Author: Sam and Colby


  1. we promise at 10 Million subscribers we will go to The Conjuring House for a WEEK. Also… should we have Tommy and Jack back for a part 2???

  2. Do brushy mountain state penitentiary! You have to. Y’all have advanced far enough for that to just make sense. That would be the best video so far.

  3. The guy's seem really nice but it was a bit much for me soz, and the light going off on the camera I can hear the button being pressed

  4. 45:1045:25 2 orbs. when Colby is doing Estes. when you pan to door you’ll see the light and you’ll see a orb fly out from behind. Then when you (sam) opens door another orb come into room.

  5. Dude I want to see them go to the conjuring house but I also don’t cause I really don’t want you guys to get thrown into a wall 💀 but if you do please take clear quarts and lots of sage like LOTS.OF. SAGE. And please be careful I really do believe there is something so much more powerful than us that only god can protect us from so again please be careful. Also I love your guys videos they make my entire year lol

  6. When you think about it the attic has more energy the. The basement (so you should be more scared of an attic then a basement)

  7. For everyone watching I have lived for 23 years and never even once in my life have I gone close to feeling something remotely close to a ghost. I even went ghost hunting with my friends a couple of times and not once have I even felt, seen, etc. stuff. I had some doors suddenly close, glasses sliding for no reason. But once I got older everything "paranormal" was easily explained with a bit of investigation. When my door suddenly closed I checked the window and the wind was making a vortex pulling the air in my room I closed the window my door never closed. The glass sliding was just built up water droplets from a cold drink that made my glass slide. Etc you get the point, what im saying is always look into stuff you think are paranormal. Most paranormal happenings are just dumb people who didn't look for an explanation and spread stories making others believe in the "paranormal" as for the windom knocking in the vid. Think about it a tourist attraction house who gets their whole income from tourists wanting to experience something paranormal definitely has riggs all over. Because if they didn't no one would come and their business would close. They advertised a child's voice and window knocking on the place where the knocking was heard. The thing on the table "coincidentally" fell followed by a voice and knockings on the windows when everyone was on the exact room with a "coincidentally" scary window. 2 paranormal events "coincidentally" happened as advertised. I know 90% of sam and colby viewers are kids. I just want you guys to open your mind and don't be that gullible, don't believe everything you see on YT.

  8. Stolen drone B-Roll from @ghosttheory. Not cool guys. Used to have some sort of respect for you but I am afraid I'll go with the real and genuine ghost investigators these days.

  9. Nothing can come from the screen and harm you. I don’t claim any negative energy from this video. We all will be protected don’t worry🤍

  10. another interesting theory i was thinking about towards the end of the video, you guys mentioned them feeding off of their energy especially with being new to the whole ghost hunting thing. is it possible that the theory of these evil entities feeding off of FEAR could be true? if there’s one thing that stands out between someone ghost hunting for the first time and someone ghost hunting for the 50th time it would hands down be the level of fear that the more inexperienced bunch would have. something to think about. could explain a little more as to why they would’ve wanted them by themselves!

  11. This is by far my favourite video on Sam and Colby like you can see she fear in their eyes and their way of coping with it, Tommy decided to joke, deny and get angry and for Jack well…he just did anything the ghosts/demons/spirits wanted him to do and would also do anything to get out of that house lol

  12. I know y’all all like to have fun and sometimes when people are scared, they act goofy to help the anxiety/nervousness BUT…PLEASE take these investigations a bit more seriously. It gets a lil chaotic at times and it takes away from the actual paranormal experience

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