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About the Author: Toronto Sun


  1. Seeking validation and clout or showing off to be seen as cool is loser behavior. It's a sign of a weak character. Be yourself and stand your ground. The bros and girls you were trying to impress will go on to live their best lives and forget about you while you are shark food.

  2. Not to be racist but only white people die like this. Like WTF?? No Black friend of mine would think of such nor would I ever do this even if I was 13.

  3. It looked like he was swiping towards the boat and then there was something black around his waist like a rope pulling him first thing came to mind was giant octopus

  4. If you watch this at half speed, you can see the shark fin circling before him, causing him to panic and swim away from the buoy. Wow.

  5. Bruh are people honestly saying he didn't expect him to die. If the kid is off why the he'll would u tell him to do that? And Are u dumb the moment he left the ship the odds of survival were like 5%. lol its in the MIDDLE of the OCEAN at NIGHT off a CRUISE SHIP that's going faster than a fucking car. Not only the dangerous sea creatures. Turbulent cold ass hypothermia water thatll sap ur energy. And a ship that's gonna outrun him in seconds. He has no floating apparatus. Yes nigga will die lol. And other Nigga did tell him bye bye. Nice. It's obvious the other boy is a selfish brat. So yes the boy who died was stupid and other boy is just an instigating stupid teenager. The only difference is one can still be a stupid teenager. Really he just should of got sued for assisted suicide I think that's fair. Give him sometime in the slammer.

  6. After he jumps off and the camera goes left for a second, there is a shark. How can anyone not see this?! 8 seconds in, you can see it

  7. Even if he didn’t get eaten how in the hell would he have ever gotten back on he was bait regardless as soon as he jumped off the shit ppl do for attention for five seconds is crazy

  8. I am not understanding……if he jumped out of the ship….how did he ever think he would get back onto a large moving ship? They must have been drunk. It is soooo unfortunate.

  9. So at first we don't see the buoy and then after the camera came back we see it. That "figure" could've just been the splash from the buoy being thrown in. Also if there was a shark, why is he just barely swimming and not saying one word? Nobody is reacting as if there was a shark by him. All I hear is how he jumped into the water and swam away. Out of all them people on that boat only one person, who doesn't even know him, was recording? I doubt that person stop recording after 30 seconds so where's the rest of the video?

  10. Updates search and rescue experts made other theories like the temperature of the water which was cold. He drank alcohol with decreases your temperature. They also said its unlikely the sharks completely ate him and that the remains should be floating, which also depends on the depth if the water. There more but you can search up the article

  11. Tbh it’s his fault cause who the hell would do that even if it was a dare?? I feel bad cause nobody deserves to die that young but at the end of the day it was his stupidity that caused him to be in this situation

  12. Bye bye Cameron the tard. All those documentaries that tell you that sharks don't usually eat people forget about the capability they have to eat people. Thank God he didn't reproduce or there will be more white women petting bears.

  13. I could care less about this kid Deciding to get drunk on a fake pirate ship in the middle of the ocean . Then deciding to jump into shark infested waters at night and disappearing isnt shocking . Its the inevitable result of stupid behavior. Dont care in the least .

  14. That's why I'm not happy when they are many and no adults around every life demanding step is fun for them .We can hear the others saying bye- bye 😢😢😢


  16. He went opposite direction from safety ring he might have seen shark … that person who said BYE-Bye he knows why teen jumped off ….so so painful to watch last minutes his life may God meet him in heaven. RIP😢

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