Battlefield 2042 is making huge changes again…

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Battlefield 2042 is making some big changes in the season 5 update next week, some of them may be good or bad. Let’s take a look at what’s going on. Leave a LIKE and a comment, thanks for watching.


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About the Author: jackfrags


  1. dude the new map feels incredible. I raged minimally. lol. I thin they should redo the gui tho. it looks nasty imo. also a comms revamp would be nice

  2. Big problem with this game that can’t be fixed is that it feels to much like call of duty, I used to like switching from cod to BF because they were different but now they are to much alike. That in itself makes it hard to come back to this game

  3. I wish they would fix how helicopters handle. It's completely unplayable. Helicopters and littlebird was so fun in Bf4.

    Now helicopters feel huge and sluggish and the controls are just off.

  4. I Hope everyone tries bf again. They put in work and it’s my only game I enjoy playing right now. The playerbase is kinda low tho

  5. Was using the wildcat all day yesterday. Got abunch of weapon upgrades for it. Would be nice to get some decent gunners to play with. Most of the time it was just me in the tank like cmon dudes hope in the gunner take out some ppl help me 😂

  6. I'm glad to hear that Battlefield 2042 is continuing to evolve and make significant changes. It shows that the developers are dedicated to providing an engaging and enjoyable experience for the players.

  7. If the transport chopper is a problem, why not remove the ability to repair in flight ? They just need to lower the field of view inside. Instead of removing the helicopter all together…

  8. I definitely like the accuracy changes. Too many times have I been sniped by someone spraying with an LMG from seemingly across the map. I hope they will receive the same changes.

  9. Genuinely blown away by how this game has turned around, but if it had just stuck the landing the first time, the purchase wouldn't sting as much. I'm all for something good when it comes to BF

  10. My last complaint about this game is the weight of everything. Seems everything just kinda floats about.

  11. Why on earth are they removing Sundances anti-armour grenades? That's a huge change! She was one of the most flexible classes. The grenades have never been great, especially as she only has one now, but meant she could be a threat at least.

  12. I understand that console players might have a little more recoil control built in but honestly it’s not enough to equalize the playing field when it comes to ease of control with pc’s. Either balance it better or get the fu@& rid of pc crossplay altogether on the next game. It’s super frustrating right now.

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