How Animal Rescue Videos Are Faked

How Animal Rescue Videos Are Faked
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Almost all animal rescue videos are staged. They make their rescues seem professional and realistic, however in this video, we’re going to investigate how almost every animal rescue channel is fake. From sea turtle barnacle removals, to rescuing stray kittens, we’ve got a load of evidence that proves how most of these rescue channels are completely bogus… except for one, Animal Aid Unlimited, who will be used as a foundation for what a legitimate animal rescue channel looks like.

Animal Rescue Media, Animals Care Media, Pet Care Media, Ocean C and Happy Dog are some of these channels that are included in the list of fakers.


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About the Author: Ryan C. Pictures


  1. these guys are like "oh we find injured and helpless animals every day and we bring a cameraman and start filming us "rescue" the animal", im sad how the comments all say that the video gives me faith in humanity without ever thinking that the video might be staged

    also there's no way this guy only has 2.38k subs either this is an alternate account or hes just really unlucky, either way these videos are amazing

  2. Dude, Your so underated! You better get 1k subs soon as your videos are SO good and well edited! Also very informational! Never stop this bud!

  3. I found a channel recently where they remove like 100+ ticks from dogs ears regularly. All the red flags.

    Sad music
    Southeast Asia
    Ticks are only on the ears of the dogs, none on the rest of the body (if they were in living conditions bad enough to get an infestation in their ear that bad, they would have them on other parts of their body too).
    Their removal process isn't proper or effective (though I suppose one could make the argument this could be lack of knowledge).

    I am sure more could be pointed out if someone wanted to actually watch all of their vids, but I wouldn't bother. Since they are clearly real ticks and not beans like that other fake channel, I can only assume they intentionally create the infestation to remove. Of course there are a lot of comments by people ignorant to how these vids are made saying God bless you and you are a hero and stuff like that, which is disappointing. idk if there are ads since I have ad blocker, but wouldn't surprise me.

  4. Its commercialized animalabuse and those who have the power to stop this turn a blind eye. Sick world we live in! 😤

  5. It's extremely normal on YouTube you serious it's more common on Facebook.
    Many of these channels were taken down but thier linked FB account is still posting amazing.

  6. It is obvious these videos are fake. A stray kitten wouldn't get anywhere near a human. Those kittens in the video obviously know them. They don't run away from the guy and somehow it is the first encounter. The snake and the kitten is an obvious set up the snake is scared and the kitten is clueless of the whole situation since it hasn't been attacked by the snake. They were just clearly put together there. This is just like those homeless videos where people give money to the homeless and people are like … Ohhhh not realiy that the guy who is putting these videos on YouTube is making 10 times more money using the homeless misery to make themselves rich. When you give, you just give…. You don't make it public and humiliate your fellow human by showing him reduced to a begger. Trash people!

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