In Honor Of MajinCarp
Intro Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMn8ImhUVwU
Merch! https://shop.bbtv.com/collections/imdontai
PO Box 56230
Virginia Beach, Va 23456
I love the water and all the animals that live there, honestly one thing you need to remember when you go swimming, is that if you get attacked its not the animals fault, were not supposed to be in the water otherwise wed have gills and webbed feet and hands like frogs, they attack thinking your food, if they like it then your in trouble but for the most part the animal will realize its mistake and leave, Also don't do things to freak out an animal if its following you, make yourself look big and yell, don't throw anything at it or make sudden moves cause it can provoce the attack instead of ward it off
9:36 “did he fuck his bitch?” LMFAOOO
11:00 yerp proudly from jamiaca
I love my life too much to jump out a plane
grown ass man…. 😂
15:30 crazy that I got to sit right where they where when I went to Hawaii
😂😂😂😂 6:29
11:46 it sound like the Godzilla roar blew him away 😂😂
"Im going away, im not going to bug you, Im going away, im not going to bug you, Im going away, im not going to bug you," BRUH YOU'RE JUST TELLING IT WHERE YOU ARE
Like that your whole chat freaks out when a white dude points out a stereotype but just minutes before you make a white stereotype joke…
14:00 is more like the scene in Little Man LMAO
I don't know how many people here have watched the Green Eggs & Ham series, but Dontai at 7:56 sounds exactly like the Chickeraffe in the show.
like i dont get it you people dont have guns…. llike if your going to be in the woods with animals like that you need to have a pistol on you. or a small rifle in a backpack. Like wtf. Its so easy to just go the gun store fill out the paper work and then you get it. Unless you live in a slave state where you cant for x amount of days. Like just be safe, everybody know if there are deadly animals in the area your going to be in pack a gun. Well you should be without a firearm on your body at all times now anyway but thats another story. get your carry permit its so easy and be legal.
Dontai you dumb thats how you die bro lol 8:23
This guy cannot stop saying the word "like". He said like 30 times in one sentence.
7:57 he talking in 1000000 bc
Rip sad frosty🪦🕊
11:46 that timing
I wanna see you react to some 1,000 ways to die episodes 🤣
2:10 they just like me frfr
You can actually scare away even a tiger just by screaming at it and making loud noises
guys i think hes going away
5:32 he not talking to the cat he talking to god lmao
Someone’s gonna see dontai while he’s reacting to the mountain lion portion
You are not the father
Rip dontai hopefully be never run int a wild animal cause that would be the end of dontai
This nigga here😂
bro way too much pausing…
i love dontai but this nigga really pause to much like dude talked for a whole min played 3 sec of the video then paused and talked for 30 more sec
6:37 He be like: "the fuck he chanting 0_0"
ayo 4:40 you sure that was near death bruh xD
Dude was on repeat. I'm Going Away , I'm Going Away. I'm not gonna bug you.
got me waiting 2 minutes for him to react
I like dontai but pause too much
the stuff about the sea life and how we are invading it is shown in spongebob
People still be saying peacock 2 minutes after he already said it
Ayooo dontai gotta be the funniest streamer he talking bout well you see the people on the boat
someone rly said lame ass ni**a to that dude backin off from the jaguar like, you want him ridin on a unicycle while juggling bowling pins my boi?!
4:09 when he actually gets to the next video
guess what :cars boats planes trains or usually things in metal they are actually better for the fish
Take a shot for every time he pauses the video
The Dontai tactic
i’m just going to say….IF YOU LIVE IN AMERICA and come across a mountain lion…this guy was half right at 5:04. definitely face towards it (ambush predators don’t like to attack if they can be seen) don’t back away from it! stand your ground and throw sticks at it. yell and be loud and it’ll leave you alone.
🙄 it really amazes me that people will challenge bears but run from a mountain lion. point blank period running from a predatory animal is bad…it tells the animal you are potential prey to eat.
bears- if its black fight back, if its brown get on the ground.
tigers- face them and move away slowly.
mountain lions- treat it like a black bear.
bobcats- be loud and fight back, they’re more scared of you.
moose- RUN!
buffalo- RUN!
wolverines and badgers- RUN!
idk that’s all i got.
See doctor