Twin Paranormal solve a mystery at a haunted opera house! A demonic entity is revealed and thy find out something might be buried under the building… will they make it out themselves?
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This location is one of the scariest haunted places we have ever been!
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About: Twin Paranormal face anything scary from demons to skin walkers and go to the most haunted and terrifying places, bringing you along for the ride. Places like The Conjuring House, the Devils Maze, Skinwalker cave, Waverly Hills, Skinwalker valley, the Haunted Hill House and more!
All evidence of paranormal activity that we capture on camera of demons, skin walkers, ghosts during our ghost hunts and paranormal investigations is real and some of the scariest videos on YouTube. The haunted locations we go to overnight are always creepy and we can’t wait to share them with you.
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Twin Paranormal
#scary #demon #overnight
Hello everyone thank you all for being here! 🖤 The thing we like about what we do is every investigation is different in some sort of way and for this case it was a very big jaw drop for us! We might be on to discovering some mysteries that have not been solved in Virginia City Nevada! You are going to want to watch till the end because we promise you that you will be just as shocked!! If you are new to this channel and like what you see then please consider in hitting the SUBSCRIBE button! We welcome you to the #GhostGang! 😊 Also if you all would like us to continue to try and solve this case please make sure you hit the LIKE button so that we know that this is what you are interested in! We love you all and we will see you next week! 🖤🙏🏻
18:26 after you say are you here right now it sounds like a woman talking faintly in between you guys!!!
Ok we definitely need to know if there’s someone buried under the stage
You did a great job with this investigation 😮❤🤗.
Crazy guys!! Can't wait til you go back!! Hope you find who is buried there!! Good Luck!!
Oh oh no no no what did you do why did you say that your not alive oh darling why reason why I’m freaking out about that is because when they don’t know that they are dead you can’t tell them you have got to show them a picture of themselves I understand that is hard to do but that is how your supposed to go about that situation with the dead if it gives you it’s name it looses its power ok now I wanna jump into the screen and just help you guys out idek how I came across your channel but I’m actually getting hooked it said it was the devil it’s not the devil it’s pretending to be the devil there hidden in the walls
Hey guys. I’ve seen you do colabs so thought I would check this video out. My mind is blown! This was freaky af. Love how how respectful you are too. I had to subscribe! Watching in the U.K. 🇬🇧
Edit: You have to go back! Maybe get help from a Forensic Archaeologist to look for remains too.
The bent over is the prostitute – sha has no name because you can call her whatever you want.
This has to be some of if not the best evidence any ghost hunter has ever gotten, please please please go back with the ground penitrative scanner next time because you need to free those poor souls from that monster of a man!!! This has to be my new fav of your video's absolutaly insane. <3 Nothing but Love my guys <3
Not trying to be weird but I am super attracted to Wyatt😬🙈
Come back please!
34:26 : was it me or did i hear a voice?
Please come back, would like to see if there are bodies under the stage
I don't like how Ryan's shadow looks like someone is towering behind him when he is doing the Estes method… with a dark face and noises behind him.
When you're making a demonic spirit mad you doing the right thing…
45:08 "Tall with a mustache" anyone else hear that instead?
Also, many bodies, burned, and buried could indicate a mass grave dating back before the opera house claimed that land. "Skinless" I hate to mention it River, but could mean Skeletons. Great investigation!❤
So we know how the earth was flooded long time ago now the rapture says that his believers that will have to stay 3 days in darkness and if open the door you allow demons in and for that to happen it says the storms get worst natural disasters happen suddenly and volcanoes we had go quiet for decades and centuries are now coming back and that’s 5 of them
Welcome to the world and pray and believe in what you believe in and dont believe in the stupid stuff that is happening in this world
I am addicted to your videos! This is one of the best ones I’ve watched, this is also my first comment on here as I REALLY want you to go back and help find those bodies! keep up all the hard work x
Please do a collaboration with SAM AND COLBY, ❤❤
Loved it! Thx guys. ❤❤🖤
so just a theory : what if the evil spirit was the one saying "I have no name", not the woman. hear me out quickly demons won't give u their names because if u know their names u have power over them. so it didn't want to tell u it's name. If there is a woman buried down there clearly the evil entity would not want anyone to find her because having her trapped there gives it power, it draws from their souls.
Big fan from united arab emirates .. boys please come back to this location you were very close i have a huge feeling that you guys just found the information of those bodies that buried underneath that stage .. more powers to you guys keep safe ..
Also I sensed (for example) when the spirit box said "several" (in regards to them talking about coming back with the means to dig up the ground) I believe that word "several" was said by the victim, then you hear "several spirits or enitities" and I believe that was said by the demonic spirits. I believe this kept happening intentionally so the evil spirits could try to contradict what the victim spirits were trying to guide yall to discovering.
I slowed down the video at the time Wyatt saw the ball of light under the stage and I managed to pause it at that time and there is what appears to be a dark outline of a little figure, like maybe demonic but either or, pretty cool and excellent investigation
Nice investigation 👍🏾. You must help them guys
cool as always guys, not into the new spooky voice seems a lil disresectful to the spirits. plus cant work out what it says until one of u say what was said on the S.B? but cant wait to c if u go back?
I would love to see you guys go to Hotel Alex Johnson
The new spirit talkers are scary AF! This episode was wild!!!
@Twinsparanormal I don’t know if you remember this, but if you do, I started watching you guys on the episode where that you went to this cave in the desert that is in the middle of nowhere that supposedly 60 Native American bodies were found in that the Cave was home the Giants if you remember this, then please go ahead and let me know. that episode is the first episode I’ve ever seen of y’all in that episode is what got me into the paranormal.
…you download an application to use as a spirit box…. you idiots realize your phones have microphones right? the programmer probably has it listen to what you say and randomly responds with relevant phrases!! holy cow i use to really like how genuine you guys are but for real, youre all just gullible tards. a literal application on a cell phone that has a microphone that you think communicates with spirits is by far the stupidest thing i've heard of in the paranormal community. people want to believe so much the most obvious stuff gets ignored…. my god. you all should be more than embarrassed that youre using an application as a spiritbox, so delusional. lol "necrometer" what a scam name too
#Idea either come back here next video or go back to the conjuring house please
Love your channel. You guys do it great and take it beyond Ghost adventures.
But after watching your Channel for at least a couple months.
Last night spooked me in a dream.
I kind of sensed it before about spirits coming through the TV.
YouTube channel Ghost searchers were mentioning spirits can come through and inhabit your home.
Portal, another portal, Your TV!
The dream I had was a devil creature with big wings human-sized, Longhorns.
The creature blasted through open windows in a house and grabbed someone next to me.
I freaked out and was frozen in fear.
This creature was flying around outside the house and then hovered outside the broken window where he crashed through before
Looking at me.
That was enough for me and I woke up.
First time I've ever dreamt of a devil creature like that.
Is it just a matter of making the suggestion to make you believe that?
A part of me enjoys watching it the other part was telling me take it in smaller doses or back off.
It creeped me out before the dream I think I'm going to take a break.
I think the best thing about what you guys are doing is it sometimes you're connecting with Spirits that need help moving on.
Please do more of that!
Good luck!
Yeah y'all need to see if you can get help locating the bodies.this was an amazing episode stay safe BLESSED BE
Hello Twin Paranormal and Ghostgang how are you all today.
It makes perfect sense you came to find something out you found out all you could you were directed through the whole thing to do exactly what you are talking about doing which is finding ground-penetrating equipment and releasing the spirits and giving them a proper burial keep up the good work this is what you're supposed to do❤❤❤ with much love your friend Phoenix Rose McElroy
They want you to not give up Don't turn back keep up the good work boys😮😮😮😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤🎉
I'm obsessed with these episodes! Love ya guys! Greetings from Finland ☺️🥰
Somebody with find somebody with crown Penny penetrating penetrating equipment there is really somebody down there and they do deserve as you said a proper burial it will be in the benefit of not only the person that has passed away but the historical stage b is there or theater muncy's people have been found out improperly removed into their own places the theater will move forward with our business abundantly this is from your firm in Phoenix keep up the good work guys
@twinparanormal boys, ya gotta do an investigation with the @metapsyckicks like come on GHOSTGANG
My daughter works at taco bell. When you come to jersey I got you boo.
someone hello in 43 18 mins
40k lies make part 2
The deman name is beast with no name that what u was talking to alû
I want to believe this but come on, those Evp’s are too good to be true.
This was one of the crazier investigations, spirits answering questions as quickly and completely as they did. I hope you manage to find someone with a radar who can come check it out for you.
Dang the amount of responses right off the bat is insane. Especially the VERY direct answers! Is this the most you’ve guys ever gotten?
I’ve got a theory, I doubt you’ll see this but in every situation, there’s many ghosts being controlled and forced to stay by the demons controlling it. Idk that seems to be the pattern.
Why do I hear crickets inside?