Unbelievable footage in Turkey | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry

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Local authorities have warned residents to avoid driving and to stay indoors until the storm subsides. Emergency services have been working tirelessly to clear roads and help those affected by the storm.

In a sudden turn of weather, Istanbul, Turkey was hit by a massive hailstorm on afternoon. The unexpected storm, which lasted for over an hour, caused significant damage to homes, vehicles, and crops in the city.

Eyewitnesses reported hailstones the size of golf balls falling from the sky, leaving dents and cracks in car windows and rooftops. The storm also caused significant flooding in some areas, with many streets turning into rivers.

The hailstorm has caused widespread disruption, with many flights and public transport services being delayed or cancelled. Some schools and businesses have also closed for the day.

This is not the first time Istanbul has experienced extreme weather conditions. Last year, the city was hit by a severe thunderstorm, which caused widespread damage and power outages.

While the hailstorm has now passed, authorities are urging residents to take precautions as further heavy rain and thunderstorms are expected in the coming days. The city’s disaster management agency has issued a warning to residents, urging them to be prepared for potential flooding and damage.

As the city continues to recover from this unexpected event, many are reflecting on the importance of preparedness and resilience in the face of extreme weather conditions.
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About the Author: HAARP


  1. 4 minutes ago huh and I guess the next one will be 7 minutes and the next one will be eight minutes ago and on and on and on just say you're making this stuff up at least that'll be the truth

  2. Ojalá , pueda pasar todo está calamidad,pero mi amor y mi corazón , está rogando por todos, para que puedan librarse de todo esto, damos y salvos, FE y ESPERANZAl
    Oremos, para que todo esto pase, y les llegue , la tranquilidad , la paz, el amor de todo el mundo

  3. Les gens n'ont pas respecté la loi de Dieu le père. Prosternez vous et priez pour vos péchés comme sodome et ghomore. 🙏

  4. Franchement avec tout ce qui leur arrive ..les séismes le temps froid les intempéries .allah protège ces habitants et arrête ces éléments…que la paix soit sur ces contrées durement touchées …ce ne sont que des victimes ils ne payent rien .épargne les

  5. Эрдоган эфенди! задумайтесь. Аллах уничтожает и ваших детей и народ. А вы ещё помогаете Украинцам,которые убивают Российских мусульман, и ребят других национальностей. Я молюсь за всех наших ребят и за ваш народ. Задумайтесь Эрдоган эфенди,задумайтесь.

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