From a scary video that might show a ghost filmed in a haunted orphanage to creepy footage of a mysterious doll that appears to move on camera, we look at scary videos only brave people will watch. #Scary #Creepy #SlappedHam
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7. From a paranormal investigation at the Whaley House in San Diego, 05-17-2023
Taken by me… https://www.facebook.com/groups/slappedhamofficial/permalink/478658774451092/
6. Ghost captured in abandoned Orphanage… https://www.reddit.com/r/SlappedHam/comments/13lvsz5/ghost_captured_in_abandoned_orphanage/
5. Can YOU figure it out? 7 times in and i still can’t. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqk96F5LZt-/
4. Real Ghost Videos 10 / Ghost Camera / Transitus Fluviis https://youtu.be/hum1-heSTck
3. I am a supervisor for a commercial cleaning company… https://www.facebook.com/mamaaries78/videos/534204035582959
2. What was that https://www.reddit.com/r/SlappedHam/comments/13llshg/what_was_that/
1. Sorry for the sound, my kids are loud. This morning it was randomly making litte sounds… https://www.tiktok.com/@sinistear/video/7230802491640925486
Fight Through
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
In the first one…. Obviously a reflection of picture. The one about old orphanage…that is one tall kid! Bruha or Bruja is just the word Witch in Spanish and man did you get it all wrong! All in all… great videos. Thanks
We have a few places here in New Zealand the are said to be haunted of course we don't have as many as some other parts of the world but we have a few hospitals and an old mansion
The creatures in the river are probably Manatees, they are know too splash and thrash in the water when they get startled.
The apparition in the Whaley House Window looks like a young black girl in old fashion clothing. Wow, I mean it's just my perspective, but it is just not what I expected when examining it. What the heck happened there?
How can Callum say the cursed doll is in a unopened box and then when showing the PC glitching for the live streaming the doll is CLEARLY not in a box at that time sitting on the table smh
I've been to the whaley house. An infant that was with us would burst out crying when we entered the front door and stopped when we stepped back out, suffice to say the mother had to stay outside. It was a creepy experience.
Would u please refrain from insulting witches as somehow evil, paranormal or otherwise bad. We aren't. We have never had a war, any sort of genocide or hatred of other religions simply because they aren't our own beliefs. Can't say the same of other religious groups, yet we get vilified. It creates ignorance & hatred. I, for one, am sick of it. It's harmful & irresponsible. I've been a practicing witch since 82. The amount of prejudice I've received by ppl who claim to be kind souled Christians is off the charts. We celebrate & worship nature. We don't even believe in Satan to worship it. Our pentacle represents earth, sun, water, moon, & spirit . That's what the stars 5 points mean. Even grey witches, who do some dark magic spells aren't baneful. The darkness simply means it's part of the balance of nature. Night & day. Death & life. Stop thinking just because we're not Christian that were evil. I'm quite certain Jesus would love us. I'm not so sure about those with hatred in their hearts.
It's break down dancing it's been around for ages
The ice leg is easy to see when you slow down the video. The left leg goes out wide left and the right comes up. It's hard to see at speed because of the black pants.
What do you mean videos it only pictures
If yoy look very closely on the guy that is slippering you can se that it is the same leg but his pants is really dark so its a bit hard to tell
Went from being 45 mins to 14:
the last two were genuinely so creepy.
Play the guy slipping and sliding at .25 speed And you can see hisleft foot go down and then it's right foot go up.
Aiii aiii no mames!!

if you slow down the video, you can see just before the "glitch" his left leg goes up, but instead his right leg is in the up position when he goes down, im not one for the simulation theory, but i mean you can see the left leg going up but instead it's his right leg? if you fall with your left leg up your right leg isn't gonna go up instead either, so why does his?
P.S. focus on his foot and the end of his leg in general stays straight the whole time going up.
He'll yeah always look forward to a new slapped vid cheers mate you do a amazing job plz keep em coming

I’ve walked pass the Carlile house many times it’s on Richmond rd ponsonby/grey lynn that place has always been a creepy looking place and it’s definitely haunted
We have ultra hq 8k camera's but some how every "paranormal" photograph seems like it was taken from a 1960s Polaroid.
I dont believe manatees could move that fast even spooked
I dont believe manatees could move that fast even spooked
We people has a thing in the brain that always let us see things that not there…its called…nothing there but i want to see something…
Am I a crazy person or were the first 2 entries PHOTOS and not videos?
It wasn't Manatee they need air to live
Watch a video of dude love dance from WWF. That explains the skating video.
Dude what the heck…..Not sure how I feel about having legit proof that the Dragon level or above Monster Black Sperm from One Punch Man is potentially or likely real, I mean he's dangerous enough before he merges all of his 999 billion cells together to become Golden Sperm let alone Platinum Sperm!……Well crud…….
I don't get nightmares, I GIVE them!!
Enjoyed this creepy content slapped ham
They aren't stigmatized or misunderstood. They are very well understood. Witchcraft = demonic worship and possession and it's an abomination to the LORD as you can clearly see why.
I have been to the Whaley house. I think that is a reflection of a doll that they had there.
I never knew manatees splashed water like that. Went and watched some videos and confirmed it. I learned something new today. Thanks SlappedHam!
WOW very goooood
OK this compilation sucked, and I wonder, who are these "people in the internet" who always come with the worst explanations ever?
Guy falling on ice is just a trick of perspective created by the light and the black sweatpants.
"Bruja de Sinaloa" is just a woman on drugs.
Shadow in the aisle, I probably a trick of the light.
The doll, regardless of if it is haunted or not, needs to be put in a fire and the ashes buried on holy ground.
In the last video, I kept hearing a child cry, is that his child? Or is it coming from the doll?
The women on the street I think could just be on acid!
That is not scary it is a scared manites
Prolly she needs a priest to cast that demon out her body

That geezer slipping on the ice, all you need to do is keep an eye on his right foot, it stays his right foot throughout
Thé Whaley House spectre might have been a decal pasted on the window. The crazed woman was probably under the influence. The guy on the ice was just somebody slipping. But I’ll admit that doll was a little spooky.
The guy on ice, I re-watched it about 10 times it is very hard to say but his legs don't switch place is just as he goes down because of his pants being black and the angling and whatnot it just looks like they switch it is tricky but if you really really look close and hard you can see that it's not a glitch or anything that it just looks weird. Only saying this because again we watched it about 10 times just to try and double-check it I was honestly hoping that it was not so simple but yeah it is.
At the Whaley house, which I do believe is haunted, I'm wondering if that is just a reflection of a picture hanging on the wall
Just once I'd like to see footage with steady camera work
That boy leg changing sides baffled me, watched it few times but it makes no sense.
those people that said that the splashing water event was due to manatees, these people must be on crack!
Yes it is it's got face I n one other right here on this one
The whaley house. There is someone standing behind the women in the window