In this video, Chris Baird joins @CJFaison and @dylanjc96 for a paranormal investigation at CJ’s new haunted property. For the first half of the video, Chris investigates solo while CJ and Dylan also do their own thing. Then, the boys meet up for a joint investigation!
Watch the whole video to see the ghost we caught ON CAMERA!
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:32 Spirit Box By Woods
00:08:32 Spirit Box By Dock
00:22:41 House Investigation
Dude, whatever that was at 1:00:50 that came out of the living room came right to you 😮
I'm new here, friend recommendation. Ioves the content. Subscribed.
DEFINITELY some orbs in the basement along with some dust particles and bugs. I think there is a few bodies on this property i heard a male voice in one of CJ'S videos say leave , its great to see all different points of view to this place much love and stay safe xx oh at 1:00:51 is a spirit trying to manifest
Son I love watching your show but please I am 72 hard of hearing. Could you please talk slower. I hear k it o e loose two, please please
Hey Chris when Cj talks about the bricks in basement you said face but next to face to left looks like part of skull with a cross…is it just me or can others see this?
At 30:12 2 orbs was flying by cj head
As big as a fan I am of u and cj on you tube and Facebook I sure that wasn’t u telling me I’m a pos for sending you money I love y’all and y’all’s video and really got my hopes up I was talking to y’all on messenger
Dawg remind me of @vicegripgarage 😂😂
U guys are great together but u can’t forget about sonny deeds where has he been at??
Chris I love you and all your videos, you are a legend fam! Thank you for everything you do! I always get excited when you post and I get that notification 🥰
Be safe and much respect ❤
Omg i still see alit of orbs all over!!!!
Don't know if they are bugs but there was a lot of orbs when you first go down to the basement with cj and Dillon they were there then they were gone……weird as I watch I don't see them anymore
Some houses during wartime would enclose part of the basement for a place to hide but if they were found, enemy soldiers would throw more dirt in to bury the bodies. However I don't think that's the case with that house. Sometimes I think for a lot of families with not a lot of money, would store the dirt dug out for the other half of the basement, rather than having to haul dirt and rocks away. But it's hard for me to know for sure without actually being there.
9:25 I heard a voice ❤️
At 52 before you dusted your butt watch that orb fly off you Chris
Lookin good Chris! Been workin out??? Whatever you're doing its working. Keep it up!
poor Dylan keeps being sent into bad situations, why doesn't cj ever do it? he loves to be the boss but shit guys say no sometimes
Great video I have a suggestion use duck tape as well to tape pant leg while in socks for extra protection
20:41 behind Chris outside talking, there's lights changing colours. What is that ????
Lots of insects but I’m sure I saw orbs starting at 26:00 at the top of the screen.
@9:25 it sounds like a voice. I could be wrong. It could be an animal or bird😊😊…
Hey Chris, you and CJ need to invest in a few thermal cameras for that property. It will be able to capture sooooo much more than your cameras you have right now! Love the vids! Keep it up!