Before And After Rescue Homeless Kittens By The Train Tracks And Design Pink Stations For Kittens
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Title :
( English )Before And After Rescue Homeless Kittens By The Train Tracks And Design Pink Stations For Kittens
( Español )Antes y después de rescatar gatitos sin hogar en las vías del tren y diseñar estaciones rosas para gatitos
(Português )Antes e depois de resgatar gatinhos sem-teto nos trilhos do trem e projetar estações cor-de-rosa para gatinhos
( 한국어 )기차 트랙에서 노숙자 새끼 고양이를 구조하기 전과 후 새끼 고양이를 위한 분홍색 역 디자인
( 日本人 )線路沿いでホームレスの子猫を救出し、子猫のためにピンクの駅をデザインする前と後
Animal Design is a channel about designing pet houses and I want to teach you how to recycle everyday items to unleash your creativity in animal houses.
I do design work. so I often go out to get inspiration for my work. Ever since I met my first tiny, homeless kitten, I’ve decided to use my job to make a home for him, which is now a part of my life. I have come across many other animals such as puppies, chicks, baby birds, baby rabbits, koi fish, catfish, ducklings, … and other adorable little animals. I decided to build an animal city like in the movie Zotopia. If you like it or want to suggest me some good ideas, please comment below each video.
That train isn't event a real model. It's too small to fit a human, I say this is probably fake.
😢😢x x. Xx. Ćx 🍺😑😔🤤😑a
Myuweckzfukgkxdmjfdrurzykyufjfxhjjdfkkkjyukutdgkutxkkrzydkrsuykuujyrzzrjtufxkrzyzkurzurzkukrzjkfuzzkydjdyzukfxyfhzkkgghzfukmgmncjc🔪4️⃣🤭8️⃣drhmfszmfhhmDnnnxfnzgfhnzjfukstufgzn, xvzmfhgzugmhzmjmgxgxzfmhfzmhfhzmgndxmhfzmhxxfxfgxzfh
How did the train get on the ground
Someone who has discovered this channel by accident and is now addicted to this channel
А где все комментарии?