Police investigating the crash in southwest Manitoba that killed 15 people and injured another 10 have been in contact with the primary investigators from the Humboldt Broncos bus crash in Saskatchewan in 2018.
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When they say this has been a shocking incident because there 15 casualties, but isn't it more shocking to realize that there could be hundreds of reckless and dangerous "near misses" that happen everyday on our highways intersections? Over 20 crashes in few years just on that intersection alone? We just hope this will be the last.
8:40 what's with all these reporters smirking and smiling about this ?
The prairie provinces are worse than India and Africa for infrastructural development. 4 way stops at 12 lane intersections while Justin sleeps on pillows stuffed with whooping crane feathers. The bricks from parliament can build the overpasses hat we need !!!!!
Roundabouts are the best way to go. Statistically safer. Lo – speeds, Breaks up the prairie straight-line hypnosis. OR Take a page from the europeans. TRAINS. … the mode that built our country. .. Have we forgotten?
May the RIP
I had no idea highways crossed like this… traffic light might help
Something needs to be done about the truck driving industry in Canada. I’ve been to a couple of other countries and it’s abysmal compared to other countries. All about money, and not at all about safety.
I drive between winnipeg all the time and always get nervous at crossway like this because the drivers crossing always seem to be moving towards the crossing and you never know what there intentions are and what there thinking as there trying to cross cause ive seen them making a mad dash to cross and you never know if there going to gun it to get across
It all comes down to impatience and inattention. I traveled passed the scene this morning and witnessed a very near miss at the intersection just west of the accident scene. Almost the exact same scenario as what had just occurred.
Another one problem?
What about those kids that died??,
What are they distracting us from?
1) has Day & Ross had safety violations previously ?
2)How much experience did the driver have ?
3)How long has the driver been in Canada ?
4)Have driving standards been lowered to help corporations make more money ?
OMG Let them rest in peace.
Could the haze be a factor.
How can it be criminal but surprising the drivers are alive .
Family should just notify who has passed away
My condolences to the families who lost loved ones.
Why are highways allowed to cross each other? this isn't some 4 way stop signs in the city. Am surprised to not see ramps .
The bus is not a Handi Bus it's a company named Quality Care Transit that started up last November in 2022.
Damm how did the bus get destroyed like that while the semi didn't?
Have no idea why we have four lane highway's with side road crossings directly on the highway. I know overpasses and off/on ramps are expensive to build but…
Why do the Conservatives go along with Liberal Cover Up's ? RELEASE THE NAMES of HIT & RUN DRIVER'S in Burlington Ont. whom ran down and killed 8 yr old girl last month and a week later a 70 yr old man ? a 23 yr old male and 43 yr old woman need the NAMES RELEASED !
I am not sure whos at fault for the accident but they deregulated the trucking industry decades ago and there can be people driving trucks that have "questionable" background, training and experience in driving trucks. They get drivers from other countries that might not have the same level of training and skill that a driver from decades ago might have. But I guess these trucking companies are saving money because they can pay their drivers less so that's good right? Also, if it's a four lane highway, it should be a controlled access highway which means the only way on or off would be to use an access ramp. There should be no other roads/driveways attached to a controlled access highway and that's to prevent accidents like this one from happening.
It SLOWS DOWN TO A 100 KMS?? How fast is this highway and how in the world is traffic allowed to cross a highway where the speed is more than 100km? Ever heard of ramps Manitoba?
What could go wrong, duh having traffic crossing the Trans Canada Hwy a four lane divided hwy with no room between east and west bound traffic the government lack of infrastructure investment is the primary fault.
The interstate Hwys in the country south of us only have access by cloverleaf design
does it really matter whowas at fault lost all this seniors who deserved to live..got transferred to daupin in the late 50,s..feel for the residents of dauphin my mother in law is a patient in the seniors home in dauphin,because of pallister highways and health services neglected in manitobs this is what happens when you vote conservatives. vote forvoting and believing their lies but only fill their pockets pallister retired to a nice island country on our money any party but cons they con you into
It is the Health Sciences Centre, not the Health Services Centre as noted in this video
One day, FSD (Full Self Driving) will stop this kind of thing happening. Almost everyone knows someone that has been injured or killed in an accident but maybe the generation being born now will never know that. That would be nice.
Day and ross is a good company and its cleary the bus drivers fault
I passed by the accident yesterday… The whole highway was shut down all day. Looked really bad.
The bus was crossing the main highway its the bus driver fault
Why is the NEWS, posting? While saying… we don't know what happened?
Here: news is information, WAIT till u have INFORMATION.
Then you can post the INFORMATION.
as a news host, please do not use the term, we have no info.
You are the INFO 😅
Seems like a no brainer as to fault
Except this time it was the bus drivers fault
Sad.. but how did it happen
Here is what needs to happen. Dash cam videos MANDATORY! On every single vehicle! Make the video stream livestream for the companies to monitor their drivers. Watch these atrocities come to a near stop. Condolences to all these families. This is a heartbreaking loss and the world grieves with you.