It’s GTA 5.
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• GTA 5 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzpajcqMEJk&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21eqxJyXzakHCsWPuinZaOnt
We’re playing GTA 5 online custom races, these are the best stunt races in GTA 5, we’re doing wallrides, loops, skill tests, and more.
#gta5 #gta #graystillplays
One time I got ran over by my boat in fortnite and died
This man IS kos
The tank helped you you was unstoppable
When Gray enters a tank during a chaos video, that's when you know. IT'S ALL OVER.
The last 2 minutes of Gray trying to reach the end were so unhinged and hilarious
This is my favorite video of all time! I can’t wait to see more
Alex: Remember when we did every crash the water rises? Let's do that, and add a bit more torture, and by a bit I mean X999999999999999 more torment.
Can you pin me mom said too don’t be selfish
Can stuck w key be changed to Toyota mode (Toyota had a stuck accelerator recall quite a few years ago)
the new xbox is acullay better then pc not he xbox series x the new new new new new new new new new xbox if you didn't know that it came out search it up
You gotta love the fact that when Gray read the permanent chaos of a meter shower his character put on a helmet
Gray= Daveyyyy, how you doing?
Maybe Alex can make another one in which chaos happens when Gray hits somebody or something.
This challenge is like when you go from elementary, to middle school happy, then you realize it's harder and more painful. Then you finish middle school and make the mistake of being exited but then realize once again. It's a lot harder and there's gonna be a lot of long nights until you reach college
This is an action movie
I would love to see a video where the chaos is every 2 min. but its pernament until his death.
bro using a beamng car in the thumbnail
Hey Alex and Danny can you make a board where graystillplays has to survive in the chaos mod for 24 hour and each chaos last for a minute and it goes off every time he gets hurt but also naturally and when he gets hurt is lost the chaos
HEY ALEX ANS DANNY: Can you make a board where gray has to crash in order to pass, but still with a timelimit? Like instead of crashing causes issues it just delays him to complete a challenge? I have faith you can work something out
Grey should do a when you take any damage a random chaos mod happens that means any damage
Everyday I feel like that you need a hug because you just rage so hard everyday to make us so happy when is your vacation😊😊
13:51 Jesus enforcing the rules of the road
chos sent me
Wow that ending
What if gray used first person when he got delayed camera
My w key is stuuuckkk!!!!!-gray
"BACK TO THE BEGINNING" Never stops being funny 😂
Anyone know what the first car was?
Grey: did you just snipe my kidneys I was using those 😂😂😂😂
I love how the thumbnail is just a bunch of destroyed chintillas from being drive… I wonder how often whoever makes his thumbnails uses beamng drive…
if you set a waypoint, Jesus will move to follow it.
you should play beamng
Doomsday, meteor shower,earthquakes playing with gravity and taunamis could be phenomenally used in a universe sandbox type board
Hahhahahaha your funny😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
My dad seems to not be able to get past level 4, since he's always suffering from the permanent effect
Best part is this was the easiest board. He could've avoided all of this by driving to, finding and flying planes or any flying craft
Your game crashed and I thought the video stopped working 😂
As soon and gray got shot in his kidney they stopped working and he immediately died of alcoholism
12:05 Think outside my buns
I love that when Gray gets too excited when laughing, he goes from HAHAHAHAHAH to just A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A. True Gray fans know what I mean.
Gray went though straight HELL!
Lol I legit thought grey's game crashed when the video stop to play an ad