SNOW VS CARS | The Worst Car Accidents & Biggest Snow Car Pile up
Enjoy this compilation of the worst snow fails. Driving in snow is dangerous and there is a high chance of ending up in a car accident like one of these featured here. Use this video as education on how not to drive. In this video you will find snow car fails, car slide winter weather, cars drifting in snow, cars sliding in snow, car pile ups on highway, Russian car fails, Dash cam fails, and other bad weather car accidents.
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Ultimate Sportscar Fails- https://youtu.be/D92y5Iv7uTI
50 Car Fails- https://youtu.be/noKoHGBxMbU
People Jealous of Sports Car Drivers- https://youtu.be/noKoHGBxMbU
Playlist of all videos- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…
#1 “Per Kiilstofte – Dystopia”
#2 RomanSenykMusic – Epic Cinematic Dramatic Adventure Trailer
#3 Mücahit Nas – Chase – https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=WVvRIFZ2mBY
#carfails #winterfails #caraccidents #snowpileup #winterweatherfails #snowvscars #carsvsnow #carpileupfails #carfail #spinout #snow #road #winter #car #snowfails #blackice #baddrivers
The plow guy is an idiot.
no one turns on Hazard or lights…
what do you expect? amateurs !
Lol when he said “another clip from Russia” I died 😂 it’s so true. They suuuuuckkkk at driving!!!
I believe it all I’ve almost been tamed by a semi truck in weather like this :>
Why do the police and bus service not have chains or straps on there tires
I come from Italy and we get quite a lot of snow. I learnt to drive on the snow and never had a problem. Now I Iive in the UK and, in the few times it snowed, I saw people driving like lunatics, as if there was no snow on the ground and then bam…accidents. The British are crap at driving in snowy weather, so I stay at home when it snows, just in case!
Ja nie wiem jak można tak złe jeździć. Widzę że tam źli warunki ale wprawę wszyscy ciśnieli gamulca.
Can you say " IQ"
Idiots on the road!
Who pays for all the damage to all the vehicles in this instant ?
If the roads are so icy and dangerous why do people still think it's safe to drive ?
2WD, 4WD, tank treads…it don't matter 'tards…ice is ice.
2:48 Russian Car Curling Championships. 😁
Summer tyres in winter, automatic transmissions, gits …
Road conditions like this mean basically TWO things. The people responsible for treating the roads don't want to work AND irresponsible motorists driving too fast for conditions. This is a deadly combination. Of course the IDIOTS filming things like this would be well advised to DO something about it or report it to the Police. This shows you the mentally of people who get a kick out of others misfortunes.
Best time to commit a crime is when it's icy and snowy out. Worst time to have an emergency is when it's icy and snowy out!
But my cars 4wd
Why doesn’t anybody have snow chains on their tires or snow tires?
This video makes me wonder how stupid people can be
Like why are they out driving
Not being prudent in this weather.
I’m bright enough to know that even with a 4×4, bad things can happen.
I’m bright enough to know that even with a 4×4, bad things can happen.
When your in a car huge car pile up in the snow/ice, you should GET THE F..k OUT of the car cause more are coming including big 18 wheelers!!!! They can't stop on a dime just for you to get out. They'll crush you to death in an instant!!!! If you can't get that through your head your very stupid, my grandfather always told me that there are many many very stupid people in this world that drive their cars in any weather conditions cause their that stupid!! And they do it at high speeds. Man was he right. The ice and snow out smart dumb people especially those who drive in ice and snow, your dumb snow tires are useless.😔😔😔😔😇😇😇🧟🧟🧟🤕🤕☠️☠️
6:59 This pile up is in Colorado. Rudest drivers around, so it's not surprising everyone's just making stupid aggressive moves and to hell with everyone else.
Snow chain's for tires, they still make them. HELLO.
Did they ever stop to pile up on that freeway!?!? 😳😵💫
0:36 what an idiot stay inside you’re 4,000 pound car with airbags don’t end up in a bodybag when you jump out
I'll guess many people , most maybe, involved in these situations are also the same mouth breathers who I've heard say " I'm good on all Season tires in the winter. Snow tires are for people who don't know how to drive in the snow. "
Idiots standing near the cars… like wtf?
How about snow chains..? :3
I want to believe!
wow should the people get out of their cars or stay in them? I'm surprised none of them slipped under a moving car. Bunch of nuts
Looks like normal winter conditions in my country, and tbh there's typically a LOT more snow involded too. But here instead, during the WINTER we use WINTER tires (majority uses studded winter tires) to avoid the brainless mayhem shown in these clips xD
Seriously, what are these people trying to prove? They’re total morons? Mission accomplished. The ones standing mere feet away from the totally out of control cars, busses and tractor trailers are runner ups . Idiots.
Your subtitles contain several misspellings. I'm available to proofread them for a reasonable fee…
The plow guy should drive backwards in conditions that bad…that way he'd be driving on the gravel he just put down…