30 Moments When The Gorilla Tries To Escape From The Giant Python, What Happens Next? | Animal Fight

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445. 30 Moments When The Gorilla Tries To Escape From The Giant Python, What Happens Next? | Animal Fight
The gorillas are one of the strongest and most elite animal fights on the planet. They can easily defeat their opponents, including pythons.

One day, a gorilla was wandering in the forest when he came across a large python. This python is lying on the side of the road, and it looks like it has been injured.

Gorillas are not aggressive animal fights, but when threatened, they will not hesitate to fight to protect themselves. So when he saw the python lying there, the gorilla encouraged it by giving it some fruit.

However, while the gorilla was there, the python suddenly attacked it. Gorillas are very smart and agile, they were able to dodge and attack back.

The battle between these two animal fights has begun. The python tried to attack the gorillas by wrapping them in his body, but the gorillas found a way to escape the python’s hold.

The fighting gorilla is very intelligent and has many skills. They can use natural materials such as branches, rocks, or leaves to create tools to attack opponents. They can also scratch, bite or beat with their feet and hands to protect themselves.

With these skills, the gorilla defeated the python. However, they were also badly wounded in this fight. animal fight

After winning, the gorilla used his medical skills to treat the wounds of himself and the python. They helped the python recover quickly and the two became good friends. animal fight

00:00 animal fight
00:35 python vs gorillas
04:39 python vs monkey
06:38 python vs impala
0912 python vs crocodile
09|:56 python fight
11:37 crocodile fight

The video uses some cleverly edited footage for the purpose of showing the audience the possible outcomes for wild animals in the wild and is not intended to alter the facts.
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This Video researched by: Jamison Mayer DDS
Address: 093 Schiller Junction Suite 767 Deborahfurt, NV 19847
Geographic coordinates: 62.971989,-155.543882
Mother’s maiden name: Rempel
Date 1996-07-21
Age 26 years old
The Hawk does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
For any commercial/general/copyright inquiries
contact: animalsfightusa@gmail.com


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