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About the Author: Warrior's Trident


  1. I agree I did karate for like six years and everything I learned besides the footwork and some kicks wouldnā€™t work in a street fight. It was more sport karate than like actual self defense. So I stopped and switched to Muay Thai and Boxing. The only style of karate that could work in a street fight because itā€™s full contact is kyokushin karate. At least in that style youā€™ll learn how to take punches and deliver devastating blows.

  2. I'm kinda old and not too healthy. My rules are: no fair play, extreme violence using any objects at hand, get it done quick.
    Very last resort? Bang.

  3. OK people think that boxing is the best way of actually fight but itā€™s really not the best tip I can give to anybody who wants to fight if they want to learn how to fight donā€™t ever fight if you can avoid it but for people who want to fight if they have to fight what you can do is that make your hands into a pointy shape then hit the liver stomach and then neck then if you really wanna fuck with them, make your hands in twin palm, then hit them dead in the middle of their face. I swear it will work every single time it will get so disoriented and then what you can do is that you kick them in the legs no side hits are not necessarily the best hits you mainly wanna punch straight and also turn your hand whenever you like punch so like letā€™s say like you have your fist right side up whenever you punch you want to turn it on letā€™s say itā€™s downwards whenever you punch you wanna turn it because it mainly just makes it more precise and most likely itā€™s going to hit harder. Also fighting smarter is better than fighting harder. Just remember that.

  4. Martial arts are made for compete at fighting or to kill/get killed at fighting, a good fighter has to fight to destroy before being destroyed, not for the fun or the technique but survive. In a world as dangerous as today attacking without knowing from the start that you are on the same conditions as your rival is suicide.

  5. What people don't really understand about katas are most of the movement isn't meant to use During a fight and it's really just learning the art of Traditional karate. It really depends on which dojo you're in My dojo we do Kata's but we also are taught how to hit in certain vulnerable areas Like. An eye jab or a groin kick We're taught to aim a round house to the liver And to target areas like the throat or solar plex when punching Traditional martial arts can be just as effective.

  6. Learn boxing, that works in the street. i honestly think boxing for the 6 months i did it saved my life on a few occasions in scary situations. Also something i noticed was before i did boxing I was always fighting people, but now i'd rather walk away than care about ego because im genuinely afraid they will get hurt bad and I'll get the jail. so now i only fight people who are in my face trying to hurt me

  7. I used to train muay Thai in case i would be attacked in street so i can protect myself but it just caused more pain to enemy and myself, so i quit muay thai and started parkour, i like it much more and if the street fight comes in my way, I'll just run away, climb higher than enemy can. It's not worth it to fight

  8. Those choreographed martial arts maneuvers are a good starting point. Those drills teach you to keep moving, keep defending, keep attacking. They teach you balance, muscle memory, composure, and coordination. Mike Tyson used boxing combination drills which were nothing more than "choreographed maneuvers" in his training every day.

  9. Nonsense. Ive had a lot of street fights, I'm no martial artist. You learn by fighting and always keeping fit and strong and keeping a mentality of hate against the bum you are facing, use the adrenalin and finish that person come what may. Usually last within two minutes, not like in the movies at all!

  10. Japanese karate works in the streets, you can't hesitate to punch or kick. Going to a really bad school where there was a lot of violence and bullies, I drop my assailants with one punch or kick. Maybe adults are more durable, but Karate punch or kick is very effective in the streets. I won't put my faith in grappling arts ( bjj is the worst for the street) except for Judo.

  11. I got into my first fight today he was beating up my little bro so I stepped in and you donā€™t win because it just hurts knowing that as a human you have the power to really hurts someone and not controlling that is justā€¦ scary

  12. Even with all that street fights are still dangerous you don't know if the other person have a gun or a knife,bunch of friends,iron knuckles etc etc etc…
    Streets are not the ring or the octagon!!

  13. There isn't something called the best martial art because they all have come like striking based doesn't have grappling or ground defense and vice versa with grappling so the best thing to do is to chose a grappling based martial art and a striking based martial art

  14. 2 weeks of bjj saved me im 16 hes in jail i put shooulder pressure and simple done. martial artists are the scary ones. muay thai students one leg kick and its done fights over or a knee and elbow. jiu jitsu control the fight and they cant do nun abt it. boxing hit and dont get hit and you will mes them up pretty bad. wrestling body slams and others that will make you win

  15. I learned the basic of fighting from my dad, he did golden gloves when he was a teenager and knew all of that fighter shit, but his goal wasnā€™t to be the next big boxer, he mostly taught me how to just, *function8 in a fight, and wayyy later is when i started training with friends . Pops was old school, I would watch and imitate him hitting the heavy bag even when he had no idea I was there watching lol. One issue came fr introducing me and later my sister to these ideas about fighting, he showed me where to keep my hands and how to move, we used to jump rope, he made me practice my punch on him and heā€™d get all pissed off if my punch was weak and slow, he said a punch needed to be fast and snap , but you also need a punch that hat will .. He did not condone the weakness but he knows It had more to do with my age at the time. When I remember feeling sore the next morning , after a fight is actually the worst thing about a street fight in opinion When you fight someone whoā€™s physically equal to you or BIGGER than you ,

  16. Harsh reality guys. Wanna learn how to fight, yes you have to go train and that includes sparring. Not just pad or bag work. May work on the day to day knucklehead on the street but go get active so you can be on point

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