![[Vinesauce] Vinny talks about the Starfield Direct](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Vinesauce-Vinny-talks-about-the-Starfield-Direct-818x490.jpg)
Vinny talks about the Starfield Direct
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Stream date: Jun 13th, 2023
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June 13th, 2023 Stream:
[Pre-Stream] Scoot’s Birthday, is Vinny gonna play Lies of P and FF16 & More ► https://youtu.be/LzMGLKmhrpw
Vinny talks about the Starfield Direct ► https://youtu.be/RwJvFEDmfnU
ANTONBLAST Demo ► https://youtu.be/4P58cyOwpM8
[BRB Talk] “The Rhythm Of The Heat” by Peter Gabriel ► https://youtu.be/BkXazSFr-fc
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum (PART 2) ► https://youtu.be/iy-QCDJa3LY
#Vinesauce #Vinny #SummerGameFest
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I dont get alot of what he sayin cuz it sounds like blind hate but its kinda hard to take him seriously when he really likes the LOTR golem game..but its his opinion hes not wrong or rite & i respect it..but im definitely preording starfield it looks like its going to be a great one..
It's genuinely weird to see how stale the AAA industry has gotten this past decade given how amazing it was during the seventh gen. This game literally just looks like a bunch of other games smashed together and put into Todd's ARPG algorithm, and you can guarantee legions of idiots are going to pre-order it only to complain when it ends up being a buggy piece of shit.
Why are people acting like Bethesda hasn’t been disappointing for years obviously Vinny is going to have complaints
I don't think it'll be much worse than Fallout 76.
“Is there a bow?”
Oh god here we go again…
so they just rip off no man's sky and made it into a Bethesda RPG and they talked about it like it's a revolution ? cool… wait and see, at least we can enter spaceships and construct one
5:55 "punk which is all of art-style" screw you,
I'm a supporter of words having meaning and it really should have been called NASAcore like all the other "X" thing turned into esthetic being called "X"core
Regardless if it’s good or not, I’m most excited about the potential modding scene. IMO
That resource allocation is straight out of Elite Dangerous. The space dogfights and space repoman gameplay looks fun, at least.
“But it’s a Bethesda game”
You know, the company that historically makes all time top selling games, that people spend 100’s of hours playing.
"it doesn't look as good as Redfall" lolol
With how new big RPGs seem to disappoint over and over lately, I am completely apathetic about Starfield. Most games now honestly. If it comes out and absolutely bangs then I'll gladly play it, but until then I have negative hype.
Can't wait for the Companion mods, I just know someone is already thinking about adding the next generation crew.
This is shaping up to be what I expected The Outer Worlds to be ironically.
"It's what you've come to expect from a Bethesda title, but on a much bigger scale," didn't come across the way I think they meant it to. I do hope this is good more than any Bethesda thing in a while, though.
"Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies~"
Can't wait for the game to use the same god awful Bethesda game engine and still have inherited bugs from as far back as Morrowind. Bethesda just needs to give up on that engine and use something else, like Unreal engine.
I don't have much excitement for anything new Bethesda puts out. I've already thought up ideas on what my perfect new elder scrolls game would be but there is no way in hell they Bethesda would make it. I can already imagine how lackluster the inevitably rushed project would be. Not to say Bethesda can't still make great games, but the scope of games I want to see them make seems like something the higher ups likely aren't willing to spend the time on.
If you think this game is gonna be good, and not a broken buggy mess that doesn't meet expectations, I have a bridge to sell you
I like the art style, retro spaceflight is my kind of thing, but we've seen these "massive open world" promises a million times before and Bethesda is pretty much lies incorporated, so I have extremely low expectations. Certainly not buying this at launch, maybe for £20 on a steam sale.
the game is going to feature so much woke american identity politics and epic reddit funny relatable "millennial writing" (you look like you could use a mugmosa!) in the place of thematic space coolness it will be unreal
The Sony fan girls are so hurt mashing their keyboards it’s hilarious to see. Desperately doing anything like it’s gonna stop people. Top of the steam charts, Xbox sales have blew up since this showcase, collectors editions sold out instantly. 😂😂😂😂😂. Not only that but the YouTubers desperate for content just hanging off the ass hairs of this game hype trying to get any morsel of views.
The problem with Bethesda RPGs is they're RPGs where there's only 1 solution to every quest.
Why do so many people doing commentary pretend they haven’t seen it yet prior to their stream? It’s very strange
Vinny you will spend 400 hours in this game no matter the bugginess lil powered donut fresh out the oven 😩😩😉
why are they showing overweight Bethesda employees ? looks like a leftist trap… if fat is real why is there no fat people in your game?
18:14 "Im very much a stealth player" Doesn't look like it…
I can't believe vinny said he wants to kidnap todd howard and chop him up into little pieces this stream, his cynicism has gone too far
Watch this beat out Star Citizen and yet still be glitchy as fuck, it's gonna be great for all the wrong reasons 😆
Todd's voice is never what i expect to hear coming out of that body of his, he sounds like a 15 year old skateboarder from the 90's lol
1:20 Only two games. And one of those games is symbolized by a little character that sociopaths love to look at. Look at him! He's so similar to Steve Huffman. 100% sociopath DNA.
Here's an experiment for you to try: Walk up to your nearest normie and show him/her this character. Ask them if they think he's funny or likeable!
So… it's wannabe single player Elite: Dangerous?
star citizen
Also ~the spaceship with the dragon animation will become the new sensation on the internet.~
It's depressing that people still need it explained to them why they shouldn't pre-order games after Fallout 76, No Man's Sky, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Anthem, Cyberpunk 2077, Battlefield 2042, Overwatch 2, Pokemon: Scarlet, Last of Us on PC, Jedi: Fallen Order, Redfall, Gollum, and so many others. There are so many reasons not to preorder, and so few reasons why you should. If you pre-order, you're a chump.
Blue hair. ensign, set the ship to yellow alert.
No Rim's Skyberpunk '76