The Greatest Battle In The Animal Kingdom | Lion VS Crocodile

The Greatest Battle In The Animal Kingdom | Lion VS Crocodile
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The Greatest Battle In The Animal Kingdom | Lion VS Crocodile:
The crocodiles are more vulnerable to predator attacks when they are lying in the bushes. They are the top water predator. But on the land, The lion is the king.

Lion prides hunt small to large animals using a great hunting technique.
But in this video, The lion family was less interested in preying on this thick-skinned reptile and let it return to the water hole.
The pride of lions has possess hunting skills that are completely unique in the cat world.
They get stronger and become invincible while hunting in pride.

In a river battle, not a single land animal could beat the crocodile.
Even 2 strong male lions would dodge the monstrous creatures.
These predators are a crucial part of the ecosystem and play a vital role in the food chain.

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About the Author: Admin


  1. One lion not win any animal eg: single lion against leopard that fight last leopard win lion group attack only win but Jaquar is single fighter he is hero Jaquar is all world forest King

  2. Lion fail crocradle 😆😆😆, lion fail anaconda, lion fail tiger, lion fail eliphent but Jaquar win this all animal real hero is Jaquar real king is Jaquar

  3. Crocs have very tough skin on the top and the jaws are the strongest on the animal kingdom and can crush a male lion's skull with little effort.

  4. I'm a big fan of the great terrestrial predators of the planet. Brown – polar bears, lions and tigers are the bosses. I think, pound for pound, both species of bears are more powerful than the cats but, when it comes about bravery, aggressiveness and violence, I am convinced that lions are number one. Rarely you will see a male lion backing out in a fight or giving up its prey easily against another predator and when they do it is because they have had enough to eat. Nobody but brown bears mess with polar bears (and that's very rare) so, I will live it there with them. Brown bears? I have seen several times wolves chasing away, rather easily, hungry brown bears from their prey or carrion. There aren't too many videos of tigers defending their prey or themselves against other predators, this may be because in general, tigers don't face many challenges in their habitats as they don't have many big and aggressive predators like hyenas, crocodiles or gray wolves competing with them and, by being solitary animals, they prefer not to get into unnecessary conflict to avoid being hurt. A bad wound for a tiger can be its death sentence. Lions don't give a damn. Their main mission in life is to fight and when you consider that they know they normally have a pride to depend on if they are injured in battle, you could say that makes them the badasses of the terrestrial predators on the planet. They normally are like… "what the hell, lets do this"

  5. Who said that the Lion is king of the jungle?.On a 1 to 1 battle a Lion will always lose against an adult elephant, rhino, hippo, giraffe, crocodile,water buffalo,ect.Not even close 😂😂😂.

  6. Lion can't fight in water properly and crocodile can't fight properly outside of water
    So we can't see them fighting fairly

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