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#NBCNews #Texas #Tornado
Los censores asesinos se reparten el poder censurandonos la verdad al resto.
Los periodistas de españa no saben que este exceso de muertos asesinados todos a idea en españa es un genocidio.
Si pagáramos solo mercenarios nos defenderian.
Para que tenemos ejercito en españa si no nos defiende ni pagandole ?
Le da miedo,al ejercito acabar con 4 asesinos en españa de verdad no tienen armas?
Tanto miedo tienen a los asesinos de ancianos que no son capaces de acabar con ellos?
Por no quieren juzgar este genocidio en españa que sucede.?.
Los asesinos nos censuran la verdad no nos dejan denunciarles.
Les tienen miedo todos los maricarmen con barba a los genocidas en españa por eso no los detienen.
La extrema demencia gobierna españa.
Si no detienen ya hoy al dictador psicopata asesino veran otra guerra civil en españa.
No juzgan al tirano asesino en españa.
No insistan criminales de españa que un tirano censor asesino no tiene pase en españa.
Accolades to my doctor ( Dr Ofenmu YouTube channel ) I have so much respect for how much positivity you put out while curing my HSV1/2
Criminal acoso y censura de la dictadura asesina de españa.
España vive ajena a la realidad en el limbo pues la prensa no cuenta la verdad.
White police officers are killing black man on the street, the medical system is killing black women
The system that is being used by policing toward black people is the same system being use in the medical field toward black people is to limit the population. It is more than races it's a evil force that is out there to destroy us..
I’m black with good insurance and I stay away from doctors and hospitals as much as possible because multiple times I’ve experienced medical racism! This is Amerikkka!!!
Awwwwww Yay Nightly News!
Doint understans why theas southern states doint have basements its just stuipedi dig one with a shovel gees
How many trailer park home deaths have to happen before storm shelters become building code?
On the shooting, it's as if those victims weren't a shadowy cabal and didn't run the world. Hhmm
I am not a fan of Abrahamic religions… that includes Judaism. At the same time, going to a place of worship and indiscriminately shooting people is a horrible thing to do… Doesn't matter if it is a mosque, synagogue, or church. This man should receive the death penalty.
20 hours ago
He wasn't driving, he was traveling Don't let cops pull you over illegally no law requiring you to give up your license. no license or insurance or plates required to travel you have unalienable fundamental rights. You have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom of mobility.. no cop has the right to RAS – SAF. It's been upheld in the supreme court and rolled over 100 times. It's actually a thing. Don't let them tread on you. Or harass you. It's illegal you when the right of 4th 5th and 1st amendment. Don't leave your house without video recording.
저는미국캘리포니아에 또다른위험한방사능오염수가 닥칠것입니다 그곳토네이도허리케인이올때바다의물을겆고오면그곳캘리포니아는방사능비가내리게됩니다그리고토양도오염이됩니다 일본에서방사능오염수를버린다고합니다이글을보신다면캘리포니아주지사님께전해주세요 미국이위험합니다
자연앞에우리는보잘것없지만우리는함께있는가족이있어희망을갖고 힘내시길바랄게요
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