So now I am supposed to feel sorry for this fool and blame the policeman? NOT
That Police Officer should have called off the chase because he was also putting other people's lives at risk for not doing so. When he knew the the guy on the motorcycle was not going to pull over just common sense is going to tell you it is going to end badly!
…how to save on court costs.
I think it’s so pathetic why you would even chase these guys, these officers put so many other drivers life on the lines , l hope they fired this officer.
However, the cyclist had no responsibility for his actions what so ever???
Perfect, another moron is off the road. Eff him
The clown they interviewed doesn't have a clue. Criminals that flee many times are not driving /riding their own vehicle and/or the license plates may not belong to the vehicle, now how are you going to locate the driver later. The guy is very naive and/or clueless!
The news is disgusting!
These are not worth innocent people possibly getting killed or injured because of a blankin' person.
Motorcycles do NOT suffer fools or the brainless.
This is bullshit no reason to put people at risk you cut the chase what's wrong with these cops wtf. That cop should be fired he went about everything the wrong way it's a shame this man lost his life.
No pity for fools!
That's totally on him… he was an idiot and paid the price.
The “policies” of this department sound like all the makings of a ‘progressive’ approach to policing.
These television people will never blame criminals for their actions. It's always someone made them do it, it wasn't that big of a deal, they should have let them go, it's not worth it. They make me sick.
Waaaah. I am so sick of hearing how the criminal should be overlooked. Enough of the leftist BS!
Democrats catering to criminals
But nobody questions why factories keep putting vehicles on the roadways that can travel at more than twice the highest speed limit of any state.
that person is very likely to kill themself in any case. There was no reason for the police pursuit. What the office did was dangerous by itself. got tag… go find the bike and rider.
yap typical BS "hindsight" remark.. 1st of all no one forced the rider to flee 2nd no one forced him to cross into the intersection knowing the light was "green" for oncoming traffic – nothing like trading your life for what would have been a simple ticket
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
That Moronic cop is endangering FAR more lives chasing the motorcycle than anything. 9 times out of 10 a street bike will escape. You have the license plate, just let it go!
Darwin works in mysterious ways!
They stopped an idiot that could have eventually killed innocent people at another time. No sympathy here for bikers that that think they’re above the law. Just thinning the herd of stupid.
Who cares. You run you die
Yes just be like Chicago and let the bad guy go it's too much paperwork
If he hand't of run he wouldn't be dead, Tough shtuff
Good riddance
That was a new rider probably scared half to death. I think officers that ride are able to better understand that most riders do so because it's a more affordable way to get around and that law enforcement tends to be over aggressive with bikers for some reason so riders tend to fear being stopped. I was riding home from work years ago and i was stopped for nothing and kept waiting on the side of the road so long that i got heat stroke.
So now I am supposed to feel sorry for this fool and blame the policeman? NOT
That Police Officer should have called off the chase because he was also putting other people's lives at risk for not doing so. When he knew the the guy on the motorcycle was not going to pull over just common sense is going to tell you it is going to end badly!
…how to save on court costs.
I think it’s so pathetic why you would even chase these guys, these officers put so many other drivers life on the lines , l hope they fired this officer.
However, the cyclist had no responsibility for his actions what so ever???
Perfect, another moron is off the road. Eff him
The clown they interviewed doesn't have a clue. Criminals that flee many times are not driving /riding their own vehicle and/or the license plates may not belong to the vehicle, now how are you going to locate the driver later. The guy is very naive and/or clueless!
The news is disgusting!
These are not worth innocent people possibly getting killed or injured because of a blankin' person.
Motorcycles do NOT suffer fools or the brainless.
This is bullshit no reason to put people at risk you cut the chase what's wrong with these cops wtf. That cop should be fired he went about everything the wrong way it's a shame this man lost his life.
No pity for fools!
That's totally on him… he was an idiot and paid the price.
The “policies” of this department sound like all the makings of a ‘progressive’ approach to policing.
These television people will never blame criminals for their actions. It's always someone made them do it, it wasn't that big of a deal, they should have let them go, it's not worth it. They make me sick.
Waaaah. I am so sick of hearing how the criminal should be overlooked. Enough of the leftist BS!
Democrats catering to criminals
But nobody questions why factories keep putting vehicles on the roadways that can travel at more than twice the highest speed limit of any state.
that person is very likely to kill themself in any case.
There was no reason for the police pursuit.
What the office did was dangerous by itself.
got tag… go find the bike and rider.
yap typical BS "hindsight" remark.. 1st of all no one forced the rider to flee 2nd no one forced him to cross into the intersection knowing the light was "green" for oncoming traffic – nothing like trading your life for what would have been a simple ticket
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
That Moronic cop is endangering FAR more lives chasing the motorcycle than anything. 9 times out of 10 a street bike will escape. You have the license plate, just let it go!
Darwin works in mysterious ways!
They stopped an idiot that could have eventually killed innocent people at another time. No sympathy here for bikers that that think they’re above the law. Just thinning the herd of stupid.
Who cares. You run you die
Yes just be like Chicago and let the bad guy go it's too much paperwork
If he hand't of run he wouldn't be dead, Tough shtuff
Good riddance
That was a new rider probably scared half to death. I think officers that ride are able to better understand that most riders do so because it's a more affordable way to get around and that law enforcement tends to be over aggressive with bikers for some reason so riders tend to fear being stopped. I was riding home from work years ago and i was stopped for nothing and kept waiting on the side of the road so long that i got heat stroke.