2023's Biggest Breakthroughs in Cold Cases | Compilation

2023's Biggest Breakthroughs in Cold Cases | Compilation
Spread The Viralist

Sometimes it’s forensic evidence and sometimes it’s merely re-examining clues, but cold cases do occasionally get solved. This is a compilation of all the cases solved in 2023

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Cases Covered
0:00 Wendy Aughe
5:22 Kyle Clinkscales
12:23 Carol Sue Klaber
17:16 Holly Ann Campiglia
22:50 Pamela Lynn Conyers
27:41 Christina Castiglione
33:42 Donna Macho
41:18 Shelly Werner
46:58 Carol Joyce Deleon
52:34 Patricia Carnahan
1:01:45 Nikki Allen
1:19:11 Rita Curran


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About the Author: MERC: MystERyCrime


  1. Re: DNA match stats: for reference there are 8 billion people in the world. Therefore, if the DNA test is done on complete DNA and the likelihood of anyone else being the contributor is 1 in 424 quintillion; it is as good as statistically impossible that the DNA is anyone else's.

  2. It's Benson and Hedges, not Hodges. Also, you didn't even update the videos in this compilation that have since had news (court cases).

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